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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Keep in mind, that HL1 is from 1998. The same year as Resident Evil 2. It's 14 years old... man, that makes me feel old.
  2. Well, I'm watching America's Next Top Model now and it's making me sick... but I love it.
  3. I don't think it will, because it requires the SDK to run and Valve still hasn't released for Mac. Unfortunately.
  4. maybe watch something that would inspire you to make music Top Model?
  5. I don't know whether I should sit down and watch something on Netflix or make music?
  6. Thing is, Nintendo is really good about proposing things, but usually fall short in execution - time will tell though. Plus, they're pretty good at announcing things that end up never getting released (I think they've done that for their last 3 consoles)
  7. I'll probably end up buying a Wii U for reasons I don't know yet. Then I'll buy 2-3 games and sell it just like with the Wii.
  8. But that's what we have Soundcloud for. What I like about the YLC is that you can get and give feedback that isn't open to the public the same way as it is on Soundcloud. The feedback we can give each other can actually be constructive and useful. Plus, I'm sure no matter what track you listen to in the YLC there will always be something that you would have done differently. The artist may not agree with you, but giving feedback is fantastic, because it's not only useful to the artist but it's also really useful to the person who gives it, because it's such a great way to train your ears. It will teach you alot about build-ups, repetition, effects, and so on, and you will be able to use these ideas in your own music as well. Being told that your music sounds great is of course absolutely wonderful, but your mom will tell you the exact same thing... so....
  9. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but it seems as if the number of posts in each thread in the YLC has gone up. Great job, guys!
  10. I've thought about it before, and that's why Joyrex started the blogs (as far as I remember... I could be wrong though) but I agree with Friendly Foil. It WOULD be hard for newcomers to generate attention. As of now, I think I'll just keep an extra eye on the YLC and make sure no one spams their music left and right without having commented on other people's music, but if you guys have any bright ideas then feel free to share them.
  11. I'm glad to see you guys taking kindly to the idea. I was afraid I was going to be eaten alive after making this thread :) *kisses*
  12. Yeah, I don't know about that... but if you want that you can just sort it from the top menu bar:
  13. I've asked Joyrex about these exact things before, and it seems like there is a Karma system you can implement, but I don't wanna make a big fuss about it. I just want to see this place grow and be useful for newcomers and existing users, but it will only be useful if people actually do their part in this eco-YLC-system. Yeah, I don't want to have to check each topic that gets created. But this actually gave me an idea... brb Fuck off. /banned :)
  14. The YLC is starting to look like a fucking wasteland, guys. There are so many threads being created all the time and so many of these threads never get any replies. It's wonderful that so many people want to share their creations but it would be even more wonderful if you guys would consider the following before posting: - Are you not getting any replies? Well, before posting a new thread you should maybe comment on some other people's music. Rule of thumb, comment on at least 10 tracks before posting your own. Have you done this? No? Well, get going, buddy. There are +300 pages of music in the YLC. - Is your feedback/comments worth reading? Are you giving sound advice (no pun intended)? Are most of your comments one or two word posts along the lines of "safe!" or "digging it"? If yes, then please do yourself and everyone else a huge favour and elaborate on this. It shouldn't be so hard to explain why you like something or why you don't or why you would have done something differently. And be nice about it. - Don't be a little bitch - If you can't stand getting criticism then don't post your stuff. Quite simple. - Is your track worth posting? Are you happy with your track? Fantastic! Let us hear it! You give some, you get some.
  15. One of my favorites... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX2oYPzr3jY It's weird. I don't even listen that much to it. EDIT: Hmmmm... not much of an ambient track, I guess. Well, then there's Oort by Murcof. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3973285/Oort_MKE%20Edit.mp3 I've edited it slightly because there are elements in the original that I do not like.
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