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Posts posted by J3FF3R00


    None of you who like it have gone into any detail about what you like about the tracks.

    Because we're all faking it and don't want to admit that our taste isn't as impeccable as yours. We're just plebeians that can't appreciate the subtle nuances in everything that you can, which is why we don't spend as much time trying to preach it. Aphex fans are in tears at the harsh truths of your words and women from miles around are swooning at your ability to just confidently tell it like it is, brah.


    There you go. Commence masturbation. Your dream has come true.



    Not to feed a troll or anything, but this whole forum is literally exploding with detail about what watmmers like about the tracks just about every second of the day lately. It's pretty much impossible to avoid, as a matter of fact.

    There are whole threads devoted to tracks. I posted the "awesome syro moments" thread and it's nothing but details about what watmmers like about the tracks.

    Honestly, that quote is just nonsense.

  2. Just finally got my LP that I pre-ordered from Bleep over a month ago.

    I got ANOTHER drop card and one sticker.

    I now have 4 drop cards.


    I was really hoping it would come with that 12" window decal I heard about. Alas.



    At this point, I wake up in the morning with a moment from this album in my head


    yeah this is happening to me, and during the day I find some passages just appear and then I realise I'm humming them, the vocal peice in minipops especially but others too


    I'm having a few days rest though, always careful of the overkill factor.....

    The thought of me burning out this album terrifies me. I'm so into it right now. Especially the 1st 3 tracks, "180db_" and the last 3 tracks... And all of the others :)


    I know lots of people saying they aren't stoked that there aren't any really "groundbreaking crazy mental insane mind warping brain exploding" moments on it like in 54 Cymru Beats or whatever, but I'm cool with that. I think it could add to the albums freshness and shelf life. Every album he puts out blows my mind in its own way, and this one is no exception.

    It's just more restrained.


    I've been playing the fuck out of it tho.

  4. Guys.

    Don't feed the trolls.





    Moving on.








    what is this? mind to share a larger image?

    Yeah sorry, looks like it's engraved into the card.


    I have never seen this before. Is it blank on the back side?

    Glossy Charteuse. Looks screen printed.






    I'm hoping the reason that my Bleep delivery is taking so long is because it's overloaded with swag and needs a forklift to deliver.



    Coincidentally, this was the kind of music that I was listening to before Aphex Twin.

    Was your first track Come to Daddy?

    No. My first track was "On". Changed my life.

    My 2nd was "Polygon Window" by The Dice Man, off of the Artificial Intelligence comp. That was back in 94. My buddy let me borrow both CDs and I never gave them back. The first Aphex album I actually bought was the Ventolin EP.

  6. just got mine today from bleep, several sticker things and bag, it came in a plastic clear case thinh with his face engraved on it.

    surely a mistake, its not what i ordered, ah well, gotta love bleep for happy mistakes.

    Pics or it didn't happen.
  7. So far...


    - Still waiting for my Bleep LP (hoping it has goodies)

    - Got my cd from amoeba yesterday. It came with a dropcard. I took the dropcard in to the store today. No dice. All of the extras were given away at the pre-release listening party (2 days prior to official release) that only people who followed the STORE ... not RDJ, Warp or Bleep ... in social media. Kinda lame.

    - Picked up my other LP pre-order at another indie record shop in LA (Origami... I was the first one to do so when they opened... They'd been sitting on these LPs for 3 days. I know because I saw them behind the counter). Zero goodies.





    got my blerp vinylz today (Monday) in flyover nowheresville midwest usa



    I'm not pre-ordering from Bleep again. I live in LOS FUCKING ANGELES and my package tracking says

    • "Expected Delivery Day: Thursday, September 25, 2014"


    That's what I get for pre-ordering the instant it goes live.

    If it doesn't come with crazy swag, I'm gonna raise hell.

    my LP didnt show up yet & i saw it in shops last friday but honestly, who cares, i bought it via bleep, DL the leaks, its not the end of the world. i'll spin the lp later, that's what the leaks are here for :-)

    I thankfully have the official mp3s from bleep already (not that I found out from them about that either). That's not the issue. The issue is paying for this thing before the record stores even know about it and not getting my goods until everyone else on earth has a copy.

  9. got my blerp vinylz today (Monday) in flyover nowheresville midwest usa




    I'm not pre-ordering from Bleep again. I live in LOS FUCKING ANGELES and my package tracking says…


    • "Expected Delivery Day: Thursday, September 25, 2014"


    That's what I get for pre-ordering the instant it goes live.

    If it doesn't come with crazy swag, I'm gonna raise hell.



    Got my cd in the mail from Amoeba today (it came with a dropcard, but nothing else. Now I have 3 of those. Whoopee). Still no LP from Bleep, FFS :(

    if my cd & lp from boomkat doesn't come w/ a dropcard, can i have one of yours? i'll pay for postage.

    If I'm going to part with one, I may want to consider eBay. You could always offer me more than shipping ;)

    Sorry dawg. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


    As an Aphex fan for like 20 years now... fuck i'm old, also I love this album!


    Thanks, Rich.


    You're not old, there's just more of you spread through time to have loved.


    Same here! 20 years for me, this year!



    No email from Bleep saying I could download but I just did. Wtf? Anyways. CIRCLONT14 is a highlight. Not getting much love on here.

    Same here! Just downloaded my fuggin MP3s, finally!


    I have to say, my highlights are "180db_ [130]", "PAPAT4 [155][pineal mix]" and "aisatsana [102]"


    … probably because I'm old :emotawesomepm9:



    I like 4 bit 9d as well, but at 1:24 there's this lovely melody, which is repeated at 1:31 but altered in exactly the way 90% of mediocre producers would do. It makes me cringe everytime. That has never happened with Aphex so far.

    Funny, I noticed this as well. I think I can safely say it's the first time I disagree with a compositional choice of his.





    The description of "180dB_" in both FACT and The Quietus track-by-track reviews makes me think it might be the Snowbombing track. It is around the right BPM too.


    @6.57 here for those who aren't familiar:






    05 ’180db_’


    Bit of a swagger here: this one’s got the confidence to roll with nothing more than the main riff, which is fuzzy and buzzy, and four-to-the-floor kick drum for large sections. It’s the first blatant dancefloor track of the record – bit of a shame it’s ironically the shortest one too, as it feels like it could quite happily just jam on for an age, especially after the straight beat turns into a break not a million miles from the Baby Ford ‘Helston Flora Remix’.



    The Quietus:


    The bpms creep up again for '180db_', which starts out as clattering techno with warped hoover noises, before a breakbeat is dropped and it turns into a slab of gnarly, crusty techno that sounds like something from a Spiral Tribe DJ set from a 90s free party rave-up.


    Great call. I think you're right.















    I definitely heard that Snowbombing track at the listening party in LA.


    100% CONFIRMED.


    Actually, one of the highlights of the album, imo.

  14. In A Year With 13 Moons (1978)


    Whoa. Gut punch.


    This movie was great, but difficult. I found myself getting pulled between the thoughts of "why are they talking so much?" and "this is a little hard to watch" (notably the SLAUGHTERHOUSE SCENE). I did find myself getting completely absorbed in some of the character's personal monologues.

    Overall, the story was heart-shattering, but told in a very graceful and beautiful way without being emotionally manipulative. Fassbinder's cinematography (shot by himself) was quite remarkable, especially considering the size of the budget. The acting was incredible too.

    I guess this story had a lot of "autobiographical" ties to true events in Fassbinder's life... or at least those of his loved ones. Watching it, it's very hard to comprehend that this could be someone's reality. Tragic in every sense of the word.


    Fassbinder / 10





    stupid. i hate when movies like this resort to the characters basically explaining their entire plan half way thru the movie to- you know- remind each other what their entire motive for whatever it is they're up to is. like "hey, remember when we planned on killing people? and you said you were down with it? yes, that was 2 weeks ago when i was telling you we really need x, y and z murdered and you said you were going to help. so do your part, and i will do mine of making sure r, p and s are decapitated just like i promised i would"


    2 freshly sawed off limbs out of 10

    All very true but I find it hard to truly hate on a film where a character being chased has no choice but to dramatically jump out a window. Goes a bit Home Alone at points too.

    ... unless that was one of the most memorable sequences (along with the meathook scene) from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not exactly original.

    I saw this and thought it was just ok, but nothing more. The masks came off too early.

  16. The Thermals - More Parts Per Million


    This one is a favorite of mine. I assume a lot of you guys wouldn't like it because it's not idm.

    It's arty punk rock with pop-y hooks and blistering, lo-fi 4-track aesthetics.

    This album never gets at old to me. They never really topped it, or came anywhere close, in my opinion. They had an amazing drummer for this one. Part of the charm is the cymbals all distort into one constant "hiss". Also, the vocals are much more passionate and youthful than on the other releases I've heard.

    Can't say enough good things about this one. At some point, I would like to re-record the entire album from scratch, playing all the instruments myself.



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