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Posts posted by J3FF3R00

  1. A few (black) metal albums recently listened hell fucking yeah



    Man. I was listening to the Wolves In The Throne Room pandora station everyday lady summer. A ton of that same stuff was in frequent rotation.

    I was in a bit of a black hole of nihilism.


    I can definitely enjoy the genre, but I can't see myself getting too into the artists, per say. Maybe you would have recommendations for someone who likes WITTR?

    I dig Burzum, but too much makes me feel sad.

    What I like is the melodic/ambient quality that's blurred by the static of the noisy guitars.


    A couple albums I've ingested lately are:


    Margo Guryan - Take A Picture

    I feel like I talk about her a lot here. Maybe it's just me. I'm petty much in love with her. She only released 1 LP in 1968. It's baroque pop, at its finest. Her songwriting is amazing. The album is loaded with catchy hooks, creative progressions, beautiful lyrics and some funky drum breaks. Her voice is great too. She has a bit of MBV whisper that she sings all of her songs in. I crush on her hard when I listen to this album.




    Donovan - The Sensual Donovan

    I don't expect you guys to be into Donovan, but you never know. I'm a HUGE fan. I've seen he live 2-3 times. I own most of his LPs and I even got his autograph once.

    Anyway, this album is his "lost album". He recorded it in 1970 with John Phillips (of Mamas n Papas fame) and then forgot he recorded it. It was basically sitting in a box for 43 years.

    It's blue-eyed soul, 4 years prior to Bowie's Young Americans. Really slick grooves, fuzz guitar, bongos, soulful lyrics. Dope shit.

    My only gripe is that the album feels like it's not really a final mix. Some songs are louder than others. I feel like it could also use a little extra reverb or something. Still, definitely worth a spin.




    Here is a link. You should buy it. He released it himself...


  2. Premium Rush - Utter shit. Turned off after 30 mins. Not even Michael Shannon hamming it up could save this turd.

    I actually saw that in the theatre. Admittedly, it is not a good movie.

    However, I was entertained. As a displaced New-Yorker (and avid NYC bicyclist), I also respect how they made an effort to maintain continuity with the actual streets he was riding down, when they could have easily cheated his bike route so everything could be shot in random neighborhoods.

    I geek out on that kind of thing. Especially seeing as how Manhattan is a logistical nightmare to shoot stuff like that in. Just sayin.




    Soderberg's best movie in years.


    Soderbergh fan? I thought the Informant was a pretty damn good movie, and I don't think anything he made since has been as genius. Looking forward to seeing Candlelabra
    I don't know if I'd say "fan", but I see most of his movies. I definitely think this is his best since The Informant (which I really liked), but I think this one may be better. Not sure.

    I also liked Contagion, but not as much.

    Before The Informant, I'd say his next best was probably Traffic, then Che.



    Upstream color came in the mail


    Can't get myself to watch it

    I´ve never read so many good critics about a movie like this !


    Its a very complex and difficult movie but beautiful to watch !


    I missed it in the theater and I'm still kicking myself. I tried to see it like 3 times but it was only playing at one theater at weird times of the day.


    Is it on Netflix Streaming?





    Behind The Candelabra




    At first, I was really worried that none of the main actors were gay in reality, but the performances and chemistry were top knotch. Great story and great script too. Check this out if you get a chance. Highly enjoyable.

    This is the next film on my list, Liberace was a fascinating character

    Soderberg's best movie in years.

  5. Behind The Candelabra




    At first, I was really worried that none of the main actors were gay in reality, but the performances and chemistry were top knotch. Great story and great script too. Check this out if you get a chance. Highly enjoyable.

  6. SupernaturalStrategies-494x800.jpg


    So far, I'm finding this highly enjoyable.

    If you haven't already, read The Psychic Soviet.

    Both of these books read like academic essays but both are basically humorous bathroom books.

    So much fun, especially for music nerds.

  7. Just wanted to point out that some of these tracks are not proper Jungle. Proper Jungle is pre 98 (at the very latest).


    Although I mostly agree with you, there are many exceptions. This will always be a point of contention and debate that no one will really ever settle on.


    Case in point, Rewind Records...





    You cannot tell me they aren't proper jungle.

    You just can't.

    Also. Tech Itch will always be jungle to me. Even if you argue he is darkstep or hardstep or techstep or whatever. It's a silly point to get hung up on, frankly.

  8. "we figured she met her demise".


    "I'm a christian. An american. I'm just like you. we bleed the same blood, put our pants on the same way."


    "Have some cojones. That's all it's about, cojones, on this planet"


    Love this guy. Someone should give him a talk show or something. It'd end up corrupting him eventually, in all likelihood, but he deserves it. Real talk.


    I don't know. He seems like a genuinely awesome guy....


    "The man who is being hailed as a hero for rescuing the lives of three women kidnapped for a decade says that he would like any reward money to be turned over to the victims."




    The Road Beyond The Pines - 9/10 - Absolutely brilliant. It's a fantastic triptych with great acting, directing and cinematography. Go and check it out if you're a fan of well constructed dramas. Gosling, Cooper and Mendes are brilliant throughout.

    The PLACE Beyond The Pines


    Saw it tonight. 7/10


    I thought it was too long. The score (by mike Patton) was a bit melodramatic at times.

    The characters were a bit underdeveloped.

    It was nice how it tried out a new-ish narrative structure and all, but it kind of ended up distancing me by not letting me connect for too long with any given character. Plus, Eva mendes just got shit on too much.


    I still liked it tho.

  10. thanks Jefferroo, sadly the sound is really bad, like a lot of other mixes from that time. The tracks are really good. I always wonder if stuff like this can be remastered and made to sound better, like they do to so much old music is these days.

    Cmon. Its not THAT bad. I've heard WAY worse.

    Yeah. It's a mix tape. Sound can only be so good. It's also probably from a dub of a dub. The EQ is a bit funky, as a result. Who knows, it may have been recorded live at a party.

    But hey, I think it's part of the charm of mix tapes to sound like tapes.

    I did a straight transfer without any EQ tweaks. It's also compressed, in order to upload here as one file. I bet I could re-transfer it with some lower mids and bump the bass a bit, but that's about all I'm willing to do. Anything more would require some serious effort that I feel isn't really worth it.

    It's a great mix.


    I love that these tapes are all real time capsules that capture some real energy from the era.

    I really love this shit, so much.

    I'd thought about getting ahold of some of my ex girlfriend's Chicago house mix tapes, if she still has em.

    I was never that big into house, but I bet I'd really get into hearing some of that stuff after 16 or 17 years now! Fuck :facepalm:

  11. Ok y'all.


    I took the time to transfer one of my favorite rave mix tapes that is literally impossible to find (I've done extensive Google searches for this, over the years and have literally found zero results... other than things posted by me trying to find it).


    I've attached both sides of it in a zip file, for you to download.

    Side B is definitely my favorite, so don't feel like you have to listen to them in order.


    The style is Acid / Techno / Happy Hardcore .


    Basically, if you never got a chance to go to a rave (arguably, when they were at their peak), listening to this is kinda the closest to what that whole thing was like.


    I have no other info about the tape or DJ. I think it was recorded somewhere around 95-96? Possibly in Chicago.



    Kill it.

    DJ Toni - Afterland.zip

  12. Have you guys seen that there is a Bitcoin Magazine?


    All of this stuff makes me want to believe its validity, but something in my head always keeps telling me this is all bullshit.




    Really. How could anyone not love this movie?




    not that i hated it, just didn't love it. It just felt all a little too un-finished. Felt like it was a film saved in the edit room after having limited material to work with.


    Also, considering the directors past work (Harmony Korine) I would have thought he'd go somewhere interesting with the concept and environment, but it pretty much plays out as a standard film that anyone else would have directed.


    unsatisfying ending also.


    What's crazi is that I totally agree with you on everything you mentioned.


    I saw it with a group of friends and afterward, I was saying how it felt like the actual screenplay must have been 20 pages long and that they filled it out by just getting cool shots of James Franco looking out the window and re-using footage from just about every scene they shot and putting a VoiceOver under it where the girl says "spring break".

    The ending did feel a little to be desired, to.


    Having said all that. It was fun as fuck to watch. Every time I heard the VoiceOver say "spring break" I lol'd.

    What was brilliant about it was how it was just an excuse to take the piss out of dumb kids who go down to party like idiots in Florida.

    Also, it was clearly taking the piss out of Florida, in general.


    At the beginning, I was sure I was going to hate it, but all told, I found it highly entertaining.


    Plus... same DP as Enter The Void.




    Plus... hot girlies.

  14. Spring Breakers: 9 red cups / 10

    10 disney sluts / 10

    8 films / 10

    1 given free Skrillex OST CD / 10


    I was really close to starting a thread about this movie.

    I just saw it tonight.


    Spring. Break. Forever /10


    10 Bikini vespas / 10


    10url-121.jpeg /10

    10 spring-breakers-ski-masks.jpg?w=800 /10


    10 spring-breakers-picture01.jpg /10


    10 everything / 10


    Really. How could anyone not love this movie?

  15. *stumbles into thread without reading the majority of posts contained within*


    So, is the USA in any actual danger by way of NK?


    Sorry. I've just been out of touch with news/current events, as of late.

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