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Posts posted by J3FF3R00



    Probably the most depressing burger I've had for years. Had to have a bbq in the weather we had today and ran out of chicken so had to get last minute Tesco's Finest burgers. What a sorry state it was.




  2. I wish Umami's burgers were like 15 % bigger because I always need slightly more than one.

    Granted, I haven't dipped into any pork belly. I probably couldn't eat more than one of those.

    That's why u get the truffle cheese fries my friend ;)

  3. Scary Monsters should be credited as a Bowie and Fripp album imo as Robert's performance is jaw-dropping.


    A 10/10 album for sure.

    I'm always blown away by the solos on that LP.

    Another thing about it, does anyone else think it is Bowie's best vocal album? The shit he does is insane, especially considering how his other albums are. It's like he really is pushing himself to his most expressive extreme, vocally. I was just listening to it again yesterday and after listening to the end of Teenage Wildlife, I thought "Thank god for the miracle of recording equipment". To think that performance actually happened in a studio (or anywhere else), to me, is mind blowing.

  4. I've been mostly listening to the JS Bach pandora station lately. It's great. Bach in general is unbelievable.

    I also like Couperin. I find I usually dig other Baroque composers. it mellows me out.

  5. David Bowie-Scary Monsters



    ...Graceland..love the guitar rhythms and that hard 80s snaredrum!!


    I know I originally nominated Scary Monsters (1980) and went with Doolittle as my FAVORITE but if I was going to have to go with what was the BEST or MOST IMPORTANT, I'd probably go with Scary Monsters.

    That album was basically a template that almost every album in the early half of the 80s followed in some respect.

    Even seeing it next to Graceland... I LOVE Graceland. It is no doubt a perfect record. In some ways, it's a better "album" than Scary Monsters, but fuck me if it would exist as it does without it.

    I know Bowie did some high-gated drums on Breaking Glass off Low and a lot of music nerds and famous musicians like Depeche Mode and Gary Numan say Low is kinda the mark of what they were striving for (so in a way Low might ironically be the best 80s album :wtf: ), but I always still listen to Scary Monsters and think "this is what the 80s sound is in its purest state".


    I'm my opinion, from a macro view of his career, Bowie shot his load with that one and it was all downhill after it... although (I think) my actual fave of his is Station To Station. I'm a Bowie fanatic, btw. Surprise.







    I forgot to also nominate Giorgio Moroder's Metropolis soundtrack.


    Holy fuck. It doesn't get more 80s than that.

  6. public enemy - fear of a black planet


    1990, isn't it? Technically, considering there is no year zero in our calendear, 1990 is the last year of the 80s. :happy:


    I take it back.

    I thought i remembered that it came out in the 80s. That and the House Party soundtrack.

    That was also in 90. My bad.


    I definitely disqualified a few because they were in 90. I don't believe 1990 counts as the 80s.

  7. mbv - isn't anything

    faith no more - introduce yourself

    gnr -appetite for destruction

    metallica - master of puppets

    public enemy - it takes a nation of millions

    david bowie - scary monsters

    pixies - doolittle

    janes addiction - nothings shocking

    paul simon - graceland 

    inxs - kick



  8. Very disappointed with Prometheus. Looked amazing & Fassbender was excellent as David. But everything else didn't really cut it. Okay, so the thing in the chair from Alien is a big blue humanoid dude. That's kind of disappointing enough in itself. But apart from that pivotal question being answered all this movie really delivered ........ is a shit load of more questions. That's what happens when you have Damon 'Lost' Lindelof as your writing partner!! Lost turned out to be total gob shite & sadly Prometheus hasn't faired much better after Lindelof's meddling.


    Empire review pretty much sums it up for me;



    ........ and Hitler doesn't like it either;


    That hitler vid was pretty spot on.


    Characters didn't make any sense. The religious stuff was nonsense. It felt like a rough cut.

    The only things I have to add are that some of it looked super "video-y" and they should have cut the whole Weyland sub-plot entirely. Btw, wtf. Guy Pierce? Come on. That makeup was atrocious. The story was way too over complicated.


  9. Something For Everybody was a pleasant surprise too, nothing groundbreaking but still better than everything they released after (and including) Shout

    Yeah. Not bad. I remember hearing the album previews when they let their fans pick the tracks. Cool idea, IMO.

    At least Mark has made a solid reputation for himself as a film composer. His edge adds so much to Wes Anderson's stuff.


    I've missed out on a few opportunities to catch Devo live. Even their dress show at the NYC summer stage. I don't know what my problem is.



    Also, this is for you Neil Young fans ...





    ... from Neil's film "Human Highway". Devo stars in it. It's one of the craziest movies ever.


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