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Posts posted by jules

  1. Revised a bit. I am not sure about the avatar images but I tried to handle them a little more subtly than in the big quari squares. As far as having watmm in there, I think the "this doesn't sound like autechre..."  bit is a little more of a nod or reference to an inside watmm joke vs putting the actual letters in there. But I am open obviously to the consensus of the group.



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  2. 9 minutes ago, amad said:

    i like it!!! and yes adding more text referencing ios and digit would be great. it would also match the original album artwork since it's full of text related to production/mastering/design etc

    personally i like the [Replicated by ios] tag in his files, something along those lines - and extending to digit - would be cool with those text spaces

    yea, absolutely. Maybe digit and IOS can weigh in when they want. Of course, that is, if everyone likes it. I have the fonts and everything all set up so it is very easy to adjust to whatever the consensus is.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    Hate to say it, but if I had to guess who the next pres will be after Biden (1 or 2 terms), my bet would be on Kanye.  That's how dumb I think the world is right now.

    The Republican party would give him the Bernie treatment

  4. It is funny how it is only corrupt in states he is losing. Ohio counted mail-in ballots first and Biden had the lead - then election day happened and Trump won. So that is ok. Other states count mail-in ballots after polls close and in those cases where that turns the state from Trump to Biden, it is not ok. Amazing.

  5. The electoral college made sense a couple hundred years ago to offset populations of such large areas. People outside of America forget just how massive of a country this is. And while I agree that it is an outdated format, there are tons who don't believe that. Republicans have even said out loud that the more people that vote, the less chance they have of winning. That is why they have set up leaders in the Post Office and other areas to make counting votes difficult while Democrats have just said, go fucking vote.

    IMO, in order to fix many of the issues we have here, we need to abolish the electoral college which would then allow for a legitimate third party. That said, they need to also abolish all term limits so you can't be a career politician and have major ties to giant corporations. These would help turn the country in a little more of a progressive direction. The problem is over 67,000,000 americans are not really in favor of progress.



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  6. 17 minutes ago, YELLOW said:

    I just had a boring lunch break so I decided to crunch some Ae numbers.

    Total output since Exai came out equals 51.02944 hours or 2 days, 3 hours, 1 minute, and 46 seconds.

    I got 19 hours, 31 minutes, 18 seconds of non-live stuff, and then added it to 1 day, 7 hours, 30 minutes, and 28 seconds of live shows.

    I'm pretty sure I included everything. My list of non live stuff was the following:

    Exai + keyosc, L-event, JNSN/spl47, SIGN + n cur, PLUS, elseq 1-5, NTS Session 1-4, Warp Tapes, and lastly syptixed from that Bleep compilation

    This gem always gets lost in the shuffle. If it were part of NTS - it would get so much more love. Fantastic track...



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