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Everything posted by Root5

  1. I want to nominate this for Most IDM 2015, but feel like I shouldn't hijack it without cwmbancity's vote of approval. It would be one hell of a comp. Whattayasay, cwmbancity? YEEESSSS
  2. As in, you made some music, kinda want to share it, but you're afraid people won't like it? nah I'm over that ;), is just makin it viral u know, getting shittons of people interested etc, takes effort - I'm lazy Oh. Good luck, lol.
  3. As in, you made some music, kinda want to share it, but you're afraid people won't like it?
  4. Why are you wearing nail polish? lol I bit my nails my whole life. I quit this past new year (fw success yay). But now my nails are weak as fuck and they break on everything. Nail polish strengthens them, and I'm trying to buy some time while they (hopefully) get stronger. Ah, alright. That makes sense. That was a far less fabulous reason than I envisioned though lol. Are there supplements or something you can take to strengthen keratin? I briefly looked into that, but it seemed too much like bullshit. I'm gonna try to shield them with polish (it's clear polish atm, so I have room to get more fabulous if need be), and wait it out. Also moisturize, just to keep the tips of my fingers healthy and happy. EDIT: Also I live in Vancouver, and work at a library, so if anyone judges me they are a most likely being hypocritical.
  5. Why are you wearing nail polish? lol I bit my nails my whole life. I quit this past new year (fw success yay). But now my nails are weak as fuck and they break on everything. Nail polish strengthens them, and I'm trying to buy some time while they (hopefully) get stronger.
  6. I'm also getting an education, so that's sorta like having a job you have to pay to do...
  7. Tribute to "Bill Cosby is a big old rapist (allegedly)" 2015
  8. I can drop lower than Slate. Let's do this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/15/olive-garden-salt-pasta-water_n_5823820.html
  9. Here's a quote from a professional food journalist, man: http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2014/09/12/olive_garden_doesn_t_salt_its_pasta_water_investors_reveal_a_culinary_crime.html EDIT: You WILL believe me, and I WON'T take no for an answer!
  10. What? That's exactly why salt is added to the water. EDIT: I just googled "Why do you salt pasta water?" and Google confirms my theory. I've also read it in multiple places so it must be true.
  11. Sometimes I eat my pasta with just olive oil on it, so it makes a difference. If there's a thicker sauce with a strong flavour, I don't know if I could taste the difference. Your pasta sounds delicious by the way, what with the butter and the cheese and the other cheese. How do you make it?
  12. Sometimes I forget to put salt in the pasta water, and it tastes bland. Why aren't feminists talking about that? They don't care just because I'm a man...
  13. It pains me that I appear in the same quote as that...
  14. It's all anyone's talking about in my facebook feed right now. Watmm's been a welcome respite from Jian "I wanna hate fuck you" Ghomeshi this week. It's too bad --he's responsible for a lot of my favorite interviews... but the violent rapist aspect sort of ruins it. I hadn't heard of him before this (I don't listen to a lot of CBC). But yes, everyone in my circles is talking about it too. One of the interesting parts of the story is that everyone around him knew that he was creepy, but not specifically why, and so a lot of people knew to stay away from him without knowing the reason. Glad it finally came out. Too bad he hurt so many people, and that they were harassed for coming forward.
  15. I think maybe you had some personal conversations that spiralled out of control, likely because of tone. If you encounter a feminist who disregards male victims of rape, that is not someone you need to take seriously, and someone who is giving a bad name to feminism. Rape culture is a nebulous concept, and I think a lot of silly things are said about it. But you are zeroing in on one particular silly thing, and using it to represent the entire concept, which I don't think is fair. From my experience, feminists are perfectly capable of applying their advocacy for rape victims to male victims as well. You clearly care very much about male victims... and presumably you can apply that empathy to female victims as well, who may have found themselves in a vulnerable position, not because of the prison environment, but because of the dangerous environment they live in every day. Shit, this is the first time I got roped into one of these culture war watmm threads. I'm out.
  16. Unfortunately tone is usually more important than content. People are adversarial by nature, and often find themselves arguing positions they don't believe in, just because the situation is framed as a competition. When people are arguing, they want to win, not find the truth. This is heightened when the argument falls across political groups, or racial groups, or gender. So, if you actually want to make people take certain issues more seriously, like prison rape for instance, you shouldn't frame it as a competition. Tone does matter. I do try to see beyond that though, and I did address your arguments, not your tone. I mentioned your tone only as advice for how you could make yourself more convincing to people. Everything else I said was specifically about your arguments. Also, if you build up a terrible reputation, people won't want to be associated with you. so Zeff, I don't have faith in your thoughts on rape I do think prison rape is not taken seriously enough, either because it's funny (prison rape jokes can be pretty funny), or because we write off criminals because of their crimes, or we feel less empathy towards male victims in certain situations, or some combination of these elements. Also men can be the victims of rape outside of prison, obviously, and since they are the the archetypal rape victims, they might face some unique challenges, like feeling their experience is completely invisible. But again, here's an example how tone and framing a conversation matters. Why should taking rape of men seriously be at odds with taking rape against women seriously. If a conversation gets into a competition of which group gets raped more, or worse, then it's already a train wreck. There's no personal victory if your gender happens to get raped more than the other gender.
  17. It does not, but there is a Gescom track that sounds exactly like Gangsta's Paradise. I'm pretty sure it was called C1.
  18. Oh right, I remember that now. Didn't realize that was the same person...
  19. I think you'll be able to have more productive conversation/convince more people that it's a serious problem if you dial it back a bit. For example, you talked about the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in criminal courts. As far as I know, that principle still applies to cases of sexual assault in criminal courts in all of the western world (correct me if I'm wrong). There are situations where that principle doesn't apply, like university tribunals and civil courts, but they don't selectively target sexual assault cases. They operate on the balance of probabilities for all situations. So, legally, I don't think sexual assault cases are being judged at an unfair standard. Of course, there are cases where people are falsely convicted, but I doubt there's evidence that false convictions are more likely in cases of sexual assault than, say, murder. In the court of public opinion, I've been pretty appalled by how some circles rush to judgement, or will even openly advocate convicting the accused without trial. But keep in mind that these are click bait journalists, silly undergraduates, and extremist feminists. This isn't seriously discussed in law-making, for example.
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