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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. lol:


    I took 30 pain pills to try to kill myself when I was young but I just woke up with a headache


    Not trying to be insensitive, but where you big when you were young as well? Cause I have a guy friend who weighs almost 400 lbs and he said he took a ton of sleeping pills (not sure what kind) and the same thing happened to him.


    I think having more body mass distributes it more and sort of dilutes it. Or something. I dunno, sleeping pills make me absolutely loopy.


    As in, attempting to vacuum naked at three in the morning while sleepwalking loopy. And that was after I took only one.


    and from the "need someone to squash thread":


    Hey SSBBWEnvi. I'm not far from Nashville. How much do you weigh sweetie? I would love to be squashed by you anytime, i say, the heavier, the better on my stomach, step on me. You can sit on me, step an stand and bounce on my stomach full weight. I would even welcome a piggy back stomach trample, do you have someone in mind to help you to step on me?, and if so, how much does she weigh as well? step on me, Lloyd
  2. Was anybody else kind of waiting in expectation that autechre would be the next to release something. I'm also waiting for a warp aphex LP but yeah, autechre was next on my list, so I am very happy

  3. http://www.kvraudio.com/developer_challenge.php


    (of those I highly reccomend triple-cheese(just try it), pushtec 5A+1(really cool EQ), and BuzzRizerFree(awesome multiband compressor)) There are probably others I havn't tried that are pretty good.


    http://www.discodsp.com/highlife/ ---------- This is a nice little sampler. Used to cost like 50 bucks or something, today was made freeware. Very unique because it will host a vst inside and will painlessly auto sample it at any specification you want. Will export into .sfz or .wav. Totally worth the download. I think the only other sampler that can load its own vsts is DirectWave, but thats pretty expensive. I think arguru may have coded both samplers so that might explain the similarity.


    Shit..... I thought I had more to say. Maybe Ill post again soon.

  4. Very very nice free EQ, (my personal favorite):






    * intuitive GUI

    * up to 64 bands

    * two basic algorithms ('Digital' and 'Analog')

    * 64-bit Assembler optimized

    * Economy Mode for less CPU Usage

    * all basic filter types (Peak, HighShelf, LowShelf, Highpass, Lowpass, Bandpass, Notch)

    * 30+ special filters

    * Mono/Stereo (linked)

    * exact edit of frequency, gain, bandwidth

    * neatless Add/Delete of a band

    * customisable Default

    * A|B compare

    * import/export posihfopit presets

    * 50 Presets


    found here: http://www.aixcoustic.com/index.php/posihfopit_edition/30/0/


    Its really smooth to use and sounds unbelievable. A great EQ free or otherwise.

  5. Couple of cool ones:




    http://www.cableguys.de/plugins.html -- this one is really slick and it shows you the harmonic content of the wave you design in the wave table. its a pretty basic 3 osc structure but it sounds really nice and works slickly. wavetable features are very plentiful and come with quick presets for the wave design which is convenient.


    http://www.humanoidsounds.co.uk/ -- scanned synth VSTi dosn;t have a gui wut uses "scanned synthesis" and it sounds out of this world.

  6. I got a good one I forgot: http://www.elevayta.com/d_plugins.htm


    Go to convo boy LITE. Its a free convolution reverb plugin. Better features and better latancy than SIR. I own the better version cause its cheap and faster latancy.


    EDIT: Oh yeah, and http://www.vemberaudio.se/download/shortcircuit-free.exe this is a cool sampler. (only 2-note polyphony) but is nice. For some reason this link isnt availible on the homepage right now but this works I think.

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