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Bob Dylan

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Posts posted by Bob Dylan


    iRacing and the Oculust : a match made in heaven! I tried it last week (not this video) and it's amazing even if it's a prototype and it's not 1080p.

    Racing is really fun with the Rift. Dirt 3 is my racing games of choice for it. Even with the low resolution Dkit Oculus Rift, I can't play PC games on a monitor or even a 50" TV. Just doesn't seem right not having head tracking and the immersive inside the game greatness. The consumer version might be even higher resolution than 1080, and with positonal tracking. It's going to be so addictingly intense. I really should try to finish a lot of projects before it comes out, knowing how fun this early development kit already is.



    Oh exactly. Racing sims with 3 monitors, or even worse one single, is completely out-of-date. This is a complete game changer, with 3d stereoscopic and head movement. I guess it would be the same for flight sims, it makes monitors a thing of the pass. And we're talking about the low-res prototype, not even the final consumer version (at least 1080p!). Yes it makes you look like the fucking Lawnmower man, but it's probably the biggest jump in technology since the steering wheel for racing games.

    I mean ffs!


  2. Currently reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Started off well, be interesting to see where it goes.


    That's nice, I've starting this as well as one of my summer read. Good page turner. Since I only read 2 book at the same time (one at home, one on the subway), I've decided to read "Ready player one" as another summer easy read. I don't like it, I'm at page 200 but I'll go until the end. It's a great idea, but the guy can't write.

  3. Just finished Gombrich' A Little History of the World. It was a fun roller-coaster. I'll be starting Invisible Cities by Calvino next.

  4. The Road isn't like the other McCarthy. It's minimalism for sure, like a lot of his other books, but It's all about the restrain. Blood Meridian is *the* book anybody needs to read by him.

  5. Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... Mexican monkey .... thank you Giorgio

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