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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by 747Music

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtT0K7hHL-I This is the best song off the soundtrack imo. I love it.
  2. I'm loving FarCry 3! I just ordered Dishonored for $29.99 on PS3. Once I'm done with FarCry 3, that's what I'll be moving on to.
  3. FarCry 3 for PS3 is sold out everywhere in this damn city. I checked every single store that sells games. Looks like I'll be borrowing it from a friend, who owns it but isn't currently playing it, until I can grab my own copy. I wish this city had an EBGames. hmmmm... perhaps this post would be better in the first world problems thread...
  4. Almost finished Arrested Development. Like 2 more episodes to go. Hilarious show.
  5. I might pick this up just so I can get my hockey fix this winter. In the mean time, once I get paid I'm gonna grab FarCry 3 for PS3 and not stop until I hear that platinum ding.
  6. Here is Phantom Pain, aka MGS5. I'll leave it to you to find the clues, which are quite convincing. But the trailer is awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1ZQ5XBCmzs
  7. I'm gonna find $15 somewhere and buy Mass Effect 1 on PSN. It's the only Mass Effect I haven't beaten yet. My 360 broke before I could get far into the game. Then I played 2 and 3 on PS3. Love it. Can't wait to experience the one that started the series.
  8. Had to pay off bills. I'm left with about $9 for the rest of the month. It looks like I won't be getting Far Cry 3 'till next payday at the end of December. Fortunately I still have a few weeks of groceries left in the cupboards and fridge. Looks like I'll be rationing what's left. Sometimes I wish I was healthy enough to hold a job. EDIT: AH! I forgot about my credit card. I have a few bucks left available on it. yay!
  9. Play Mass Effect 1, then Arkham City, then Mass Effect 2, then Mass Effect 3.
  10. Really? Man, time is flying by so fast. I'll just have to remove it from my list then...
  11. Fav games of the year: Mass Effect 3 Borderlands 2 Dragon's Dogma Arkham City I haven't played AC3 all the way through yet, so I can't include it yet. But it's awesome so far.
  12. Crazy movie eh? I love the soundtrack. I watched Looper again. 9/10
  13. For some strange reason I'm not that excited for Dead Space 3. I have no idea why, as I loved the first 2.
  14. Olive and Herbs Bread, toasted with butter. Delicious.
  15. I just got the platinum for Wolverine. Hard difficulty was a breese pretty much up until the last battle with Deadpool. I spent almost 2 hours fighting and dying constantly. It was incredibly frustrating. It was one of the hardest video game battles I've ever done. Great game. Now I'm on to Assassin's Creed 3.
  16. Just 1 trophy left in Wolverine. gotta beat the game on hard. I'm picking up Assassins Creed 3 today so I have to beat Wolverine soon. I'm gonna force myself not to touch AC3 until it's done.
  17. I saw an item for sale 2 days ago. I went to get it today and the sale was no longer valid.
  18. I have a lot of free time on my hands. I'm pretty sure I've let loose the fact that I'm on ontario disability here before. So yeah, lots of free time. That's both a blessing and a curse, believe me.
  19. Nice work! Add me on PSN. I got the platinum trophy for Dragon Age 2 recently. Moving on to X Men Origins: Wolverine now. I haven't played it in 2 years so I forgot pretty much everything about the game. It's actually a pretty good game for a hack n' slash. I hope to have it's platinum before Assassins Creed 3 comes out at the end of the month.
  20. Yay, I got the platinum trophy for Borderlands 2. It was a lot more work than the first one. Amazing game. Now I'm going back to Dragon Age 2 to get it's platinum.
  21. freaks and geeks is now on netflix. I'm taking advantage of that.
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