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Everything posted by kausto

  1. Hey, can someone upload Autechre 2000-XX-XX - USA-New York-New York City ?
  2. percussion work on ilanders reminds me of Sensachre 10 Mix (Autechre Remix) from Sensational meets Kouhei
  3. ffs, it´s not a fake. don´t listen to the stupid people. how do you know? and don't just say "because I know ae when I hear it" Well it sounds like Amber/Incunabula/LP5 had some sort of child together. wow, pretty exact definition
  4. i decided to take a pause till spring, because of some strange and scary mental transformations. it throws me into mental area of lp5, but i cant adapt myself to it, similar to "shotted way too much acid" situations — emotionaly similar feeling anyway, epic album
  5. i said this in max/msp-usage context. that whole thing sounds like hyper-ace algorythmic stuff
  6. " because the album is so extremely calm and "baroque" in parts"
  7. "emphasis on atmosphere and "melody" (of a sort, at least) that albums like Amber and Chiastic Slide" Pule
  8. Nope, it's generated by an algorithm. The guy who did it for them also implemented it in Java for the micro-site Warp did when it was released, it drew the patterns on-screen while you watched. Can't find it online any more, Warp must have retired it. according to some interview sean draw it in macromedia freehand
  9. "Excellent new tracks. A preference for "Lanx 3". Soon, Phil. " LOL
  10. http://thequietus.com/articles/03536-autechre-album-details-paul-morley-essay The pure depths and serial surfaces played, placed and projected during their truly astonishing new collection Oversteps (WarpCD210) certainly reminds me of their earlier music, repeats/reforms some ideas, echoes specific loops, absences and grains, reprises calculations, develops various moods, connects similar stresses and symptoms, perfects certain systems, but at the same time bravely invents new possibilities, resist bad habits, penetrates new uncontaminated areas, and demonstrates that WTF?!
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