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Everything posted by kausto

  1. There is lossless m4a-file also. man from russian social network says that he found it in itunes
  2. sound like a ts1a and r ess hybrid
  3. We're on to something they removed autechre - (on warp page) mp3 files are named like autechre - newbound.mp3 lol
  4. One of the best readings about OP ratios: http://www.sfu.ca/~truax/fmtut.html
  5. it is should be sub bass at the ending of deco Loc, modulated by intensity of vekoS and spl9
  6. more ts1a mayhem please
  7. have to say that it is proper boc album. my favorite track is Nothing Is Real
  8. Deal with it More here: http://unomoralez.com/
  9. second part is like serious conversation between father and son about everything lol
  10. first part of exai feels like makeweight to second disc. like move of ten to oversteps. but i absolutely love 'em both. lol
  11. That's what I like about it. I was thinking it could also be Monomachine arp at a weird rate with sq wv pitch mod you can hear similar sounds on oversteps tour record, 15-19 min of 01 - 29 May 2010 - JesseG remaster part 1 sounds like nord lead 2
  12. Yeah... I really don't know what is going on with the second half of 'recks on'. Seems totally uninspired on every level to me. and what about Netlon Sentinel off EP7?
  13. magnus lindstrom, microtonic's creator about MoT pce freeze 2.8i: "Yeah, I couldn't resist emailing Sean Booth when I first heard that track. He confirmed that it was MicroTonic indeed. It is also used on the track after that, "Rew(1)". He was very enthusiastic about my plugs, but they were not actually using any VSTs or AUs for their latest work. Just Max stuff. Being a big time Autechre fan I was pretty stoked about this all." http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134-autechre/
  14. runrepik consists entirely from oversteps tour sounds. and it has simple but beautiful atmosphere. edit: percussion sounds like sonic charge microtonic, by the way. overall it sounds like bitter autechrian happiness
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