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Everything posted by Berk

  1. lol, it's actually not a microwave dinner, but you can buy it like this. it's actually pretty good though.
  2. boerenkool met rookworst (microwave dinner)
  3. japanese telecom - character maps
  4. Wings - Band on the run this is an awesome song btw
  5. just listened to Venus of Holst's Planet's Suite, there's an audible cough in the last 4 seconds heh
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYl4Xb4cDQ8
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpvr7V4u42w saw the vinyl in the thrift store this afternoon, maybe I'm gonna purchase it but there are not many songs on there I like tbh
  8. smashing pumpkins - hummer the outro to this song is just pure bliss
  9. ceephax has quite much of expensive gear
  10. squarepusher - theme from ernest borgnine
  11. the other people place - let me be
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