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Everything posted by prdctvsm

  1. ^ yeh dat 'hotel' iz p f bleak ! trump towers meetz planet o' da apes /:
  2. +1, good goin' lane (: 1992 cassette rip via: http://soundsofthedawn.com/2016/05/a-new-age-sound-environment/
  3. ᬺᬻᬼᬽᬾᬿᭀᭁᭂᭃ᭄ᭅ
  4. @ meshy , thx m8 (: last post 4 a lil bit, betta get bak 2 irl &2do so gotta go get col turky offa deez dangeruos maymayz /
  5. prdctvsm

    Now Reading

    9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9 : https://www.reddit.com/user/_9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9/comments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/05/9mother9horse9eyes9-the-mysterious-tale-terrifying-reddit
  6. ^ yeh steven king is p hit-n-miss; mostly miss lol, esp. the sheer mass of recent ghost written pulp. but 'salem's lot', 'pet cemetery' & a bunch o' short stories frm 70's, 80's rly hit the spot imo - because of his deep connection w. an everyday reality & the possible horror(s) lurking within dat reality, told as spun out yarns of unassuming prose concerning believable characters w. hectic plot development. agree that 'the stand' novel was p good 2 - save 4 all religious/fantasy hoo-hah. haven't seen any tv or movie versions of his books, save 4 kubrick's 'the shining' which just slays the book upon which it wuz based imo. anway off topic soz; bak 2 telly...
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