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Everything posted by sysyphus

  1. that guy just goes on and on and on bish bosh? ding dang dong? WHAT IS HE EVEN SAYING in other news, i've stopped listening to oversteps until bleep releases their files. i can't stand this low quality stuff, especially when you can TELL that there's things going on in the background. it's gonna be hard to stay away from known(1), oy!
  2. yeah back in my lurking days i remember reading very insightful posts by rook. he should make a guest appearance, along with archie bunker of course.
  3. i believe it was at the end of the 98th page. 200 reprazent
  4. i'm concerned about the users of this forum. if this does turn out to be the real thing, will there be mayhem and slander all over the boards?
  5. not a fan of Yuop awe? let's take the album, re-encode it to a 48kbps mp3, slow it down by 20%, then create an algorithm that chops up the tracks by RNG in a different order. then we distort the bass on all odd numbered tracks, record it onto a cassette tape, and call it The Quaristice Headphase 2
  6. agreed. known(1) has been stuck in my head since i got the leak...it is the finest cheese in all the land!
  7. oh man, the part at 34:08...YES! on my first listen and loving it so far
  8. ok so it raises the question... are they really reasonable people?
  9. How can I get it out if I keep it zipped? WHOS GOT THE ZIP FILE
  10. Dont worry, its still early days. I think this thread will redeem itself when it reached page 116. It was part of a dream I had last night, when it was March 15th and Oversteps was only a couple of days away. Everything was so much better then. feltcher, i know precisely how you feel.
  11. 79 pages of rubbish. i was fine in january. now, in february, i have trouble sleeping, find myself very restless daily, and my tea never tastes right. i have pre-ordered the vinyl but fear i may not make it.
  12. sounds like an overshare, if you catch the vernacular source?
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