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Everything posted by sysyphus

  1. so much for the next 4 albums being quaristice 2-5. it's 2/2/10 do you know where your oversteps is?
  2. god i hate rapidshare. any other good sources? fakes are people too!
  3. yeah the 24-bit is where it's at. i can't wait to turn my KRK8's up...mmmmmm
  4. nah, of course not. but you cannot deny, that there is a difference these two groups of tracks. i´d just like to know if there are "sean" and "rob" tracks, or if the production process was different (composed and more arranged vs. jam-session songs). I'll have to seriously disagree with your assertion, mainly because Perlence is my absolute favourite off Quaristice. The others you listed, well I guess I can see those being substandard to some but come on, Perlence??? Seriously???? i move that 90101 also be stricken from the record. in fact, i'm gonna have to go with a vote of no confidence.
  5. so my roommate at home is listening to this and he swears it is autechre can we get some watmm pros in here edit: get ur arse in the chatroom and give your opinion
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTbJCEBE6Ak 135 MB (142,153,737 bytes) UH-OH
  7. i think this trackname is great... i mean everyone's had to deal with O vs. zero confusion at some point.
  8. http://twitpic.com/yfecl need this now. and yeah i like quaristice SO WHAT
  9. what's with all the quaristice hate? you obviously haven't listened to plyphon loud enough.
  10. how lucky we are to live in this time. the first moment in human history when we are, in fact, visiting other worlds.
  11. jokes on you, it's gantz graf minus the first and last note
  12. excellent work lucio81, as others have said, you have brought new light to this song. it would be excellent if warp were to see this.
  13. this track is the timeline of every living organism on this planet - from birth and life to death and silence....muy bien
  14. this song is excellent. it's unstirring, and walks the line of awkward. you can't be rushed to enjoy it, thats for sure. it reminds me of a drop of water hitting a river and the waves rippling outward. the static is the reverb on a rock... yes indeed
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