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EKT Plus
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Everything posted by sysyphus

  1. the samples are down, this whole day is a wash. and i thought warp were reasonable people
  2. first thing I thought after hearing this was the prospect of having one if not many of these songs ravel/unravel as it goes, ala garbagemx36. also, as wonderfully spoken on an earlier post in this thread, how ae continues to paint a story as a song continues by starting disjointed and finding an order in the chaos. Those are some good 30 second clips. Sean, pls.
  3. Been waiting for this. Excellent job on both videos
  4. bullwalletversions.tumblr.com - For when merging a great picture thread into a mediocre thread isn't enough bravo, love how they are all in one place
  5. I would ask what songs stand out as album leaders, but then realized we're talking about Ae so I'd need to discuss this after about 50 listens. As for the leak legality, it's all fine and dandy to think they'll take a profit hit due to piracy, but meh. The people who lurk here waiting in salivating anticipation won't be the people that don't contribute. It's the internet.
  6. if it laeks i'll listen and if i like then i will buy the uncompressed goodness. it it doesn't laek then i may just download the uncompressed goodness am i a baed person? edit: preordered on bleep :P
  7. here's to another potential 12 hour chatmm ae webcast sit-in
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