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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by joshuatxuk

  1. 4 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    We have a gun store where I live called SHOOTERS, with the O’s being crosshairs on someone. Disgusting.

    Yeah man, that kind of toxic gross bullshit is still very much around and TBH a huge reason I didn't get into guns earlier. It's like a lot of other hobbies and subcultures I guess. Underground electric drowned out by EDM, big ass expensive trucks overshadowing actual 4x4 enthusiasts. Obviously with guns this is amplified 100x over.

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/11/2021 at 1:13 AM, beerwolf said:

    Same. I need new material (as in an album not a few remixes) to reignite my interest in them. For quite some time BOC has been almost totally dormant in Camp Beerwolf. 

    I've been obsessively seeking out BoC esque stuff in the meantime, I could send you some playlists

  3. Hey y'all. Yeah it's been rough the last few days. I have to say I'm fortunate to live in one of the cities, specifically regarding my kids going to a school district like AISD. In the same state that some school districts are firing people over teaching "critical race theory" our superintendent actually issued a statement when George Floyd's killers were sentenced about how inspiring Darnella Frazier is, the teenage who captured the video in a situation she and most others would feel completely helpless in. The PC war waged by the right is pretty much putting half of the country in a state of deluded fear and anger detached from reality. A lot of suburbs and exburbs get very reactionary and right-wing very fast, honestly considering those areas are changing the most demographic wise (i.e. it's where a lot of working class and non-white residents can actually afford to live) I expect those places to get more heated election wise and in things like school board drama and law enforcement abuses. 

    Next year's election will be wild, I keep hoping something will break, there's a point where this increasingly vitriolic and deceitful platform can't sustain itself either in rhetoric or illegal and unconstitutional power grabs and loophole exploitation. There's a good chance Abbott might actually lose their primaries (deservingly) but to more extreme opponents. It might be enough to actually prompt Dems to retake the majority for the first time since the 1980s. This is a blue state that stays red because so many vote naively for "small government" Republicans, don't vote because it's so difficult to even do so or get informed, or completely tune out everything out of pure disillusionment. The mask is off more than ever. It's not like the past was better, but even then the worst racist and old white good ole boy legislators still passed laws and achieved goals in things like improving and modernizing the state. They weren't these reactionary clowns hellbent on openly destroying the public good in the name of cynical, angry, and often religiously apocalyptic right-wing populism.

    My pet theory of Texas and the US in general is pretty much the same - things are better and things are worse, and honestly the US has always had these parallel and contradictory trends. The gains in progressive social laws and norms, general standard of living, and in access to tech and commodities is incredible but at the same time public services, infrastructure, and protections have been completely gutted and the gap between working class and the rich and powerful is obscene. Poke around r/boringdystopia to get a reminder of how absurd things are. 

    Anyway, been awhile since I posted here. Hope all is well. Was laid off this summer but returned to work and even have an office now where I can listen to my cassette tapes. Funny enough I also inadvertently got into firearms as a hobby (2020 Election freaked me out, I felt if the Nazis had guns why shouldn't I?) and and found a niche of - get this - left-wing gun collectors and plinkers. I was even talking to a few on a discord about how much we like Boards of Canada. Reminded me of y'all. Still pretty much the same though, when the going gets weird the weird turn pro.

    • Like 8
  4. 8 hours ago, dr lopez said:

    i recently read an academic paper on vaporwave and our very own @joshuatxukwas quoted! a true expert

    Some vaporwave from 1996


    wow, from here or reddit? I've had a couple good rants in the past I suppose. one day I need to copy and archive my best ones. this entire thread is essentially niche internet historic IMHO

    I suppose online discussion / media is going to become further and further embedded in published work 

  5. 40 minutes ago, ambient said:

    First listen was good but with second and third ones I can say it's one of the albums of the year. Best producer at the moment in my opinion.

    Def one of the more interesting, overall this one of the best albums I've heard this year. I think what defines "best producer" can vary, it's a hell of a statement so I'm not exactly sold on this notion he's the best right now but I certainly understand why someone would feel that way.

  6. 12 hours ago, dr lopez said:

    watched this recently too. some incredible parts. a DPs film

    I'd read up on it and seen it mentioned here actually before in past threads. I'm a fan of Soviet films in general so it was only a matter of time before I watched it. I often peruse any podcasts that mention movies I recently watched and was enamored by and while sometimes there's nothing of note in this case there were two solid shows with episodes discussing the overall vibe and impression of the film: Overinvested and Friendly Fire. It's like the best "antiwar" film but like not in the usual definition, it's like an anti-"war film" film. It's the most de-mystifying and raw, honest, unfiltered testament to the sheer brutality of WW2 committed to film. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, marf said:

    remember when Saudi Arabia was killing Yemenis and causing a famine a couple years ago? With American weaponry I might add. No, you didn't care.

    Israel offered them weapons FYI

    this stuff is all very related and the whole "why do you care about x but not x" when we're all just folks online discussing current events is asinine

    • Like 3
  8. 35 minutes ago, marf said:

    I support Israel and Palestine. The neighboring countries could do a lot to help Palestine be independent. Why aren't they already? Something tells me they want it that way.

    Two state is a fine but Israel, the US and various other governments refuse to recognize Palestine. Palestinian struggles were def worst in Jordan at one point and they were also forced out of Kuwait but I'm not sure if you are referring to that.

    36 minutes ago, marf said:

    Israel was created cause people like killing Jews. WW2 was the last straw. The ultimate pogram. So blame the Germans if you hate Israel and blame the other ridiculous tribal countries watching these two go at it for no reason.

    This is so wildly lacking of so many other factors I can't waste time elaborating beyond 1. Europe was by and large extremely anti-Semitic before the war. 2. Zionism predates WW2. 3. Israeli founders technically fought the British more than anyone else during the Mandate and the conflict there in general predates and in many cases was going on completely independently of what was occurring under the Third Reich.

    5 minutes ago, Himelstein said:

    Here’s a picture my cousins took of the rockets. They live in Ashkalon.


    That's gnarly, looks like something out of a film with the lens flare. I sincerely hope they stay out of harm's way.

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  9. 21 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    Some modern Russian weaponry as well but not much and not too modern.

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    I assume we're talking about the millions that surround Israel besides the Palestinians? (Not justifying Israel's actions, just clarifying who we're talking about).


    There are plenty of more modern small arms floating around via illicit trade to Gaza and likely illegally acquired from Palestinian police and military forces in the West Bank. Combloc stuff is just more prolific, US made weapons and AR clones from other Arab countries are not unheard of. That all said it's still extremely lopsided compared to the TOTL tech Israel has. 

    Also DIY stuff is very much a thing. 



    • Farnsworth 1
  10. 20 hours ago, drillkicker said:

    I really can't understand why some people in America actually defend our alliance with Israel.  It just blows my mind every time I hear someone say that they need American military support.

    Pragmatically Israel serves a major canard against Iran. Politically it's an absurdly bipartisan lobby, Democrats and liberal staunchly support it for economic reasons and naïve solidarity and right-wingers and the Republicans are further zealous because of Christian Zionist rhetoric. As much as many Arab and other Muslim majority populations of certain countries criticize and demonize Israel they've maintained backchannel, indirect, and nuanced relations with the Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, various Gulf States, etc. US aid to Israel is another MIC facet, Israel sells a lot of weapons overseas they US won't to places like Azerbaijan for example.

    This has also not been the case since 1948 but rather the last 40 years with it snowballing in the last decade or so. Ironically despite the hellish aspects of the 80s under Reagan and Thatcher it was mainstream to be critical of South Africa and Israel whereas now there's a bipartisan lobby to harass, bully, and stifle any substantive criticism of the Israeli government and oppressive fringe politics there in general. Reagan actually called Israel actions in Lebanon in 1982 akin to a "Holocaust." HW Bush was critical of their settlements and tried to cancel their aid for that reason. Since Clinton's well-meaning but failed peace attempts the de facto US policy has become increasingly forgiving and complicit to right-wing Israeli policies. Bush was actually more restrictive of US support for Israel than Obama and was more hands off than anti-Palestinian (9/11 and Iraq being bigger areas to focus on) and he more or less let US religious right lobbying grow. Trump completely unmasked any effort to reach out to Palestine. 

    Back to religious and ideological underpinnings, it's one of the most insidious shifts in religious political dynamics. Terms like "Judeo-Christian" were manufactured to whitewash Christian anti-Semitism that dominated Europe until after WW2. Conservative / fundamentalist American Christians masked previous anti-Semitic views from the late 1960s onward with condescending zeal as Jews being allies and key figures in the upcoming "end times." I remember encountering it when I moved back to states and browsed the many non-cable local network channels that had evangelical programming. So much was specifically oriented toward Israel. There's towns I've driven through in rural Texas that probably have not one Jewish resident with massive Israeli flags. The biggest wailing wall replica is at a megachurch in San Antonio.

    I also must stress this isn't an Evangelical driven political effort, just one where they factor in a lot. Obama was unable to really do anything once Netanyahu came back in office and by 2009 Isreali lobbying was well-entrenched among establishment Dems. There's a deeply rooted liberal and Democratic oriented pro-Israeli groups and leaders which is why the political support for Israeli is about as strong and zealous in LA and NYC as it is in red states. That's also why despite so many liberal Jewish-Americans in entertainment very few are critical of Israel. For example Natalie Portman has been critical of the government but very, very careful not to appear supportive of BDS.

    I've wondered this over the years, I think like many Westerners, Americans especially, I grew up with a de facto pro-Israel / pro-Zionist attitude. Hell it's very apparent in my really old posts here. Because it's wrapped up with so many emotionally charged topics and historical events it's hard for many to actually re-evaluate their perspective on the plight of the Palestinians.

    Part of me things the fact that more and more people are rejecting the pro-Israel rhetoric is that the mask is off and they've also exhausted their "underdog" narrative, a narrative that hasn't been true for 40+ years now. The uglier side to this is the government of Israel has normalized their policies and fringe attitudes so effectively that it's political suicide for many overseas to criticize them. They literally are trying to bury and shame people into speaking up and speaking out. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, beerwolf said:

    Definitely if I hadn’t spent 3 years backpacking and was totally reliant upon western media, I wouldn’t be pro Palestine. Just the fact that if you dare to criticise Israel you run the risk of being accused of being a Nazi/ anti Semitic/Holocaust sympathiser. Very clever tactic that.

    In the US it's not uncommon for leftist Jews who are literally descendents of Holocaust survivors to be called anti-Semitic for criticizing the Israeli government. Likewise there are right-wing Jewish-American pundits who are literally adjacent to fascist and alt right ideology. 

    People in NY and Texas and myriad of other states can be fired from state contract jobs for being supportive of BDS. In other words they've literally made it illegal for people to be critical of Israel if they fall under certain government employment.

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