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hello spiral

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Posts posted by hello spiral

  1. ^LOL


    Nah. Nothing to worry about, as long as you do so in moderation.


    I suppose. At least I'm not instagramming them on bookface. Naw, posting them somewhere cool like watmm lol.


    The problem with making a mini grilled cheese I have discovered, is you need another one an hour later.

    Brb, need to fire up the grill.

  2. Made myself a mini grilled cheese with sourdough, emmental, red onion and worcestershire sauce.




    fwp: out of mustard.


    fwp fwp: I seemed to be to turning into one of those cunts who posts pictures of the food they're eating on the internet for strangers to look at.

  3. oranjeboom 8.5



    Pure natural beer,

    brewed with passion,

    clear water, choice hops

    and finest barely malts


    oh yeah? it has glucose, hop EXTRACT, e150c

    brewed with passion? i never saw this drink in holland, i'm pretty sure it's just been made to exploit british alcoholics

    clear water? i'm guessing that's just an outright lie




    I bought a can of this last month because I thought it was a different variation of Oranjeboom. It was only post-purchase that realised it was just their own version of super tennants.

  4. Eyeknowrite?


    Still got these to try:







    ^That one's 7% :emotawesomepm9:


    I do think though that I was lured in by the false economy of them only being a quid each (only had £4 in me pocket at the time). It was a bit like a beer pick n'mix.


    Should've maybe gone with my original plan of two bottles of Punk IPA. Quality over quantity innit.

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