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hello spiral

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Posts posted by hello spiral






    happy days mate!


    I've just eaten a spanish omelete and drinking Newcastle Brown ale (which I rarely drink) Nice



    Alas, I only have one. :cry:


    But there is a can of Red Stripe lurking in the fridge which I can hopefully eke out over the rest of the evening.

    I'm trying to cut down my drinking atm.

  2. My roommate mentioned to me the presence of a hornet's nest nearby our cabin. Last night, I discovered that hornet's nest to be about twelve feet directly in front of my bedroom window, hanging off a tree branch.


    So I'm faced with a dilemma; should I knock it down, or should I leave it alone? So far the hornets haven't bothered me. But "kicking the hornet's nest" is beyond reach. I wondered about buying a pellet gun, but it seems unnecessary to attack it if the buzzers aren't bothering us.


    I'll leave it alone for now. But if they start bothering us, I'm gonna drop their hive like it's hot.


    Attack it an film it also pls.



  3. I think this is it - I've just spent the last half an hour crawling the webs and this seems to ring a bell. It's focussed on INLAND EMPIRE but ties in the other two films I mentioned


    Caution - Here be spoilers ! : http://metaphilm.com/index.php/detail/reading-inland-empire/


    N.B. This is just one personal reading of the film(s), but shares my own interpretation of them too


    Bookmarked, cheers.


    I feel very confident with Mullholland Drive's internal logic by now but Inland Empire is another type of beast entirely.


    I've endured/enjoyed it around five times since seeing it in the cinema upon it's release (It was a late showing and I was drifting in and out of drunken sleep 3/4 of the way through) and I still feel it hasn't fully opened up to me yet.

  4. holy shit hahaha that's a funny and original tattoo :biggrin:

    what were you smoking man?


    Dunno. It was an image that kept popping into my head over a period of weeks so I ended up drawing it (this has happened before).


    When my girlfriend saw it she decided she wanted a tattoo of it for her birthday and I thought I might as well get one too (hers is on her ankle).


    Best thing about it is when someone asks you what it is, then asks what the meaning is behind it. When you reply "no meaning/there isn't one" the reaction is always interesting.

  5. I've got an egg behind a fence.




    Also there's a bear smoking a cigar and wearing a bowler hat on my back that I got when I was 17/18 but I can't be arsed to take a picture of that.

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