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hello spiral

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Posts posted by hello spiral

  1. :cerious:






    I know. Tasty isn't it.


    I agree that the type of person who doesn't like to think about where their meat comes from is a bit strange and needs to wake up.


    I'd eat my cat if I was in a 'The Road' situation. But then I'd probably eat people too. Actually, I'd probably eat people before I ate my cat




    You're making it sound like if they put shit in a plastic bag labeled chocolate, you'd eat it.


    Nah, don't like chocolate. If it was labelled shit on the other hand.....

  2. ordered 2 boxes from the Ren and Stimpy show, man i LOVED those cartoons as a kid, i still do! only 30euro deal of my life

    First package arrives, total awesomeness, my childhood wetdream comes true! i couldn't wait for the other 2 arrive

    then the second package arrives a few days later, i put it in the playstation and it says CAN NOT PLAY YOU HAVE THE WRONG REGION CODE YOU IDIOT :wtf:

    turns out it's imported from the US ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :wtf:, no way to change it on ps3

    so now i'm gonna have to go buy a goddamn region free dvdplayer and hook it up to my already chaos overdosed home system :facepalm:


    You have laptop?


    VLC player d00d!


    I have those box sets too, they're :emotawesomepm9:

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