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hello spiral

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Posts posted by hello spiral

  1. Well seeing as the reason for the worship of the og BR is its status as a lava lamp for autists (because it's really not that great of a movie and 2049 was better, don't @ me) I could see Alco's idea being a real hit.


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  2. my cat was off her food two weeks ago so we took her to vet, thinking it might be an impacted hairball. She's a prolific hairball expeller and we read online about them going 'the wrong way' and clogging up their guts.

    Vet said her kidneys were enlarged and did blood test/urine analysis etc (and raping my wallet in the process)

    Second vet visit she's now skeletal, vet wanted to hospitalise her to the tune of £1,900. We don't have that kind've money just laying around.

    The seemingly more senior vet in the back chimed in at that point and pointed out kidney failure in a cat that young (she's 8 ) would point to underlying issues and wanted to do an ultrasound scan.

    So it turns out she has terminal stomach cancer, and has weeks to live.

    She's now on steriods, nausea inhibitors and appetite stimulants, and is back to her old self-ish. A bit more lethargic but still bright eyed and bushy tailed.

    The next month is gonna fucking suck.

    • Sad 7
  3. 16 hours ago, DavieAddison said:

    I'm visiting London for the first time next week so I'm going through this thread but if anyone has any other suggestions please send them my way. Since the dollar is strong I'm hoping to eat, drink, and shop like a sausage-fingered King.

    you there for AE?

    A significant portion of the chatmm crew are flying here next week also. First big chatmm meetup since 2017.

  4. On 8/16/2022 at 7:25 PM, ooqpoo said:

    last night I watched Frankenhooker. A film about a guy who after his girlfriend gets run over by a lawn mower, sets about planning to reconstruct her from body parts of hot women. Getting inspiration on how to procede by self administering brain acupuncture with a drill, he decides to invite a load of hookers over to party where they accidentally ingest a load of super crack he's concocted which causes them to explode, and hey presto sexy body parts en masse. 

    good trashy fun with some pretty creative special effects yet never overly gory and with a neat ending and plenty of hot 80s boobage to boot! 

    every hennenlotter movie is gold. My personal fave is Basket Case 3

    • Like 2
  5. On 8/16/2022 at 9:02 PM, ignatius said:

    jfc. listened to exai a couple times the other day. how is this almost 10 yrs old? wtf. it's so damn good in so many ways. solid all throughout then the last few tracks just another level good. 

    exai is like when i'm making a playlist of a bunch of stuff and i add one Ae track then next thing i know there's 11 more ae tracks in the playlist and i find myself just listening to a bunch of ae instead of the new playlist. 

    exai, like many of their albums, is "i bet ya can't listen to just one" track from the album. 


    I can never listen to just disc one, disc two goes on straight after

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Dragon said:

    rip sinicalypse, Dr Clitterhaus, Boxing Day, YO303, Deer, Cheseney and all your other muckers. your unrelenting disdain for the autistic/neurodiverse people in this community was felt stoically and silently by all.

      Hide contents

    maybe now might be a good time to reach out to the various people who chose to leave this forum due to the toxicity? that stuff has peaked and died down by now. opportunities etc.


    Chesney is alive and well and a warm and gentle middle aged man with a room full of gear, two small children, and happens to be Memory Gland's in-house mastering tech.

    Also wtf are you talking about?

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, mcbpete said:

    Finished hour 2 of this last night - Has anyone asked him about the process behind their two super-long tracks (All End and Perlence subrange 6-36)?

    All End was confirmed as a Rob track when he was answering questions in the youtube comments pre-2nd AMA. Nobody's asked about subrange yet.

    • Thanks 2
  8. 22 hours ago, PigeonSt said:

    I had no idea, this is fascinating! $250 and more for a t shirt? Wild. Is it mostly just rich people driving the market?

    I think so. There's a richkid ex-chatmmer that was attempting to sell a load of grody old metal shirts via his IG story, and he was asking absolutely eye watering prices for the kinda shirts I have at the back of my wardrobe for wearing around the house/dusting furniture

  9. 6 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

    Tee shirt collecting blew up so much in the past year that I went to a few thrift stores last month and out of I don't know, 400-600 shirts I looked through there were less than 50 that were more than a decade or so old, and less than 6  that were old enough to have real tags instead of a printed label. Not a single good one.



    Glad I got a few drawers and most of a closet full of them for a couple bucks each before the zoomers caught on.


    that ALF one rules 

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