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hello spiral

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Posts posted by hello spiral

  1. 1BAD910D-3BDB-4442-AFE2-C5569ABDFF1A.jpg

    21 hours ago, egoretop said:

    Also here.. ? yap. Its like SF remixed.


    Flirted with purchasing Performative Utterances many times over the years. Usually just after a fat overtime paycheque.

    This week we (chatmm) were delighted to see it was finally on slsk. Now I see this and wonder if you are responsible lol.

    Also, after giving it a listen, am so glad I didn't drop £100+ on it lolx2

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, perunamuusi said:

    This new online "braindance" "scene" reminds of the 90s "nu school breaks" thing. Or Big Beat, to some extent. Just lots of pointless Lo Com Denom music. Just really watered down to the point that it's almost entirely water.

    I've been saying for years that it kinda reminds me of today's '4real' punk scenes, like the camden punk bands. About 100 bands all making 5 albums a year of identikit tracks. Constrained by the narrow parameters within which you will only be taken seriously by the 'scene'.

    Creatively, it is salted earth.

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  3. On 6/14/2021 at 9:06 PM, splesh said:

    For me, too; though truthfully, NTS Sessions is right behind it.

    I don't know if I ever appreciated the rave stabs aspect to 13x0 step til now

    probably my fave track on this whole release

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  4. On 1/6/2022 at 8:16 PM, Alcofribas said:

    i'm definitely not in the camp of people who think burial is a genius and sometimes when i read stuff like mark fisher or simon reynolds i think they're going full boomer cringe on how seriously they take burial's music. we're completely immersed in the era of "takes" where people can't like things without claiming how Important and Very Serious it all is. this isn't burial's fault as far as i can tell, it's just people hear something and feel a mood from it and get all excited and then go post about how it's the most important shit that has ever happened in history. 

    from my perspective this new one is...ok? i'd say it falls into this weird realm where because it's burial we all have to really think about it and have an opinion but if this was some artist that wasn't hyped it would be posted on here by dcom or extralife and like 2 people who reply and the thread would disappear instantly. i don't think this stands out as some exceptional work and the fact that this is even a 5 page thread rn is purely bc of the fact that it's burial. this is kind of what i'd say about burial's stuff as a whole - bc it's burial, we must pay attention. but imo this is just...i guess it's not too bad lol

    100% this

  5. 1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

    The theory of who is actually the protagonist and antagonist gets complicated, (and what is happening in the future) this film has a very unusual structure, and like Primer before it, has induced numerous complex fan theories online regarding the physics of the timeline.

    Primer was (and is) good tho



    • Big Brain 1
  6. 18 hours ago, perunamuusi said:

    Under the Silver Lake is a very very good film. Possibly the best I've seen in quite a long time. Quite  Lebowski  quite Pinchon, very very good.

    yup, instant Pynchon vibes when I watched. Great movie.

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