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Everything posted by ManjuShri

  1. Far Cry 3 for free: https://store.ubi.com/us/far-cry-3/575ffd98a3be1633568b4d6e.html
  2. Digging the humour and style of Psychonauts 2 much more than the first; they really nailed it.
  3. I had last read his A Night in Lonesome October, which is from the point of view of Jack the Ripper's occult companion dog as his master goes about his business which I greatly enjoyed. His fantasy series The Chronicles of Amber is his most commonly recommended series, at least the first six books out of the ten at any rate. Lord of Light is his most recommended standalone novel, however the lack of accuracy in the Indic religions he depicts turned me off, but only because that's a pet subject of mine.
  4. Never knew Robert Zelazny wrote the plot to a videogame, Chronomaster, and was actually his last work as he died during its development. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronomaster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Zelazny
  5. Syndicate, Syndicate Wars, and Ultima Underworld 1+2 going for free on GOG: https://www.gog.com/promo/rerelease_ultima_underworld_and_syndicate
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