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Posts posted by data

  1. the late 90's were a special time for movies though. im not sure what it is, but movies from 1998/9 can feel so much more dated than ones from the 60s-80s. like early 3d games on the playstation 1 feels a lot more dated than the beautiful 2d pixel adventures that came before them. that's probably a stupid analogy, can't really explain it. i'll probably give eyes wide shut a go anyway.


    triumph of the will


    shouting nazis, smiling children and flailing right arms for 1½ hours / 10


    also learned that leni reifenstahl lived to be 101 (died in 2003) and released her last film in 2002, scored by giorgio moroder. proper wtf moment.


    I've been tempted to watch this for a while now.

    Out of curiosity, and to see how many scenes are comparable to Star Wars mostly.

    Would you say its worth watching or nothing a quick edited youtube video can't summarise ?



    i watched the long version on youtube, but skipped past a lot of the marching and stuff. was mostly interested in hearing their silly/creepy speeches.





  3. triumph of the will


    shouting nazis, smiling children and flailing right arms for 1½ hours / 10


    also learned that leni reifenstahl lived to be 101 (died in 2003) and released her last film in 2002, scored by giorgio moroder. proper wtf moment.

  4. haven't read the thread but astrology is literally the epitome of narcissism. it's fucking insane that grownups actually pay attention to this shit. it's also one of those things (horoscopes especially) that are so ingrained into society that people sort of just believe in it, or atleast "yeah i guess there might some truth to it i dunno lol". because they've never actually bothered to think about how retarded the whole thing actually is. sort of like the resurrection of christ. i've heard otherwise rational / secular people go "i mean, i don't know, maybe it happened maybe it didn't". even though they know perfectly well that zombies doesn't exist in real life. ffffffffffuuuuuuu

  5. eugene, sometimes i wonder why you even bother watching new movies at all. it's clearly not something you enjoy. or is it just that you only choose to review the shit ones?


    last action hero - FUN

    pompeii - SHIT

    robocop 2014 - FSHITUN

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