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EKT Plus
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Posts posted by data

  1. the unbelievers - had been looking forward to this for over 2 years, but damn. 1+ hour of celebrity worshipping and music video-like montages made the whole thing come across as one giant atheist circlejerk that's gonna make anyone who's even remotely religious want to turn it off within the first 5 minutes. the few clips of actual talks and debates it did feature was stuff i had already seen on youtube ages ago. so yeah, just look up talks by dawkins, harris, krauss or hitchens on youtube instead. you'll be much better off.

  2. the raid 2 - amazing looking fight/action scenes. everything else was kinda bland though. also i can't get over how silly it looks when the protagonist is fighting 15-20 people at the same time and once they go down they just lie there on the ground wiggling for the rest of the fight like a videogame character stuck in some sort of animation loop.

  3. im honesly having trouble believing that is happening / not a parody of conservative talking heads etc. maybe most americans are desensitized to this stuff by now but holy fuck that shit is just so bizarre / insane.


    will fox news still be a thing once all the old farts that make up their demographic die off? i just can't picture a 20-30-something watching this while nodding their head in agreement.

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