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Everything posted by Atop

  1. hmmmm, was that funny? was it really? yes it was... the weed stab was brilliant, as was the rest of it... especially when Hitler says Stalin's name only to be perfectly synced with Joyrex... 8/10
  2. check this! http://radio.earstroke.com/archive/2009-10-11.mp3 Autopilot's sub.fm show
  3. hmmmmm, nah.... this is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7eBgr3B7Yc
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEngUqymJUM
  5. also, anyone and anything on this label, http://www.discogs.com/label/Kursed+Recordings, based here in Austin is fuckin' tops.... ran by FBOM, used to be run by Tyrant, both amazing producers! ATX yeyah!
  6. Killeralien as well....most anything on Gamma Audio is damn fine music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZM3TpzRdgQ
  7. another suggestion for some dubstep you would dig: b1t crunch3r love his stuff... IDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2prfkw9F70s the memory leaks e.p. is the shit!
  8. I have found no output since the Zamyatin Tapes releases (which are incredible), he is one of my favs as well... Hit him up man...I am sure he is easily reached... get him on the compilation... his dubstep isn't shite...hehehe
  9. yes indeed here's another great one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMmA4EoBhbw
  10. Autopilot promises no angry wobblers and no rewinds!
  11. funny how the last two amazing dubstep tracks both have similar titles? love that track as well man.... but what happened to Toasty? 'Knowledge' rules as well....
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5jebTBYA6M
  13. No rumour spreading from me man. Just telling you what he said. Wes wouldn't mind. He has nothing against you. Just the comp name so it's all good. If you need any other suggestions then yes, I am a good person to come to. I am not here to sabotage your efforts. He is the only one out of the bunch (the list I gave you) I talk to regularly. Well, he and FBOM. No worries man.
  14. Gettin it on wit yo momz!

    1. Redruth


      rambunctious unction

    2. Atop


      Yeah totally werd big ups LOL jus sayin jus chillin chillaxin keepin it real word. Superficiality is the essence of the internet. I love you two.

    3. Hautlle


      I think I'm in love :wub:

  15. do what you want man....I know I will listen to it I support your endeavors but you might turn people off is all I am saying.... like Autopilot, makes great music! Saw the name of the comp and was immediately turned off. Maybe you guys know each other and have beef or summat but it kept him from wanting to be involved and that is a huge loss imo. but like I said, I will check it if you were to do it and wouldn't hate on it simply because of the title...it is catchy
  16. {{clarify}} yeah, maybe Polka, but saying all dubstep sounds the same is almost exactly like saying all hip hop sounds the same (which is more accurate since there is more hip hop/rap out there) You obviously have never explored the genre yourself... MM, go check out this label called Planet µ and listen to how much all of their dubstep sounds the same.... Awepittance, man oh man....your label releases so called generic dubstep! I dig it but it is the stuff people talk about when they say, "I hate dubstep." Scorn is amazing in my book but most people would not think so. Same for Kush Arora. Anyways I am working on the missionary dj mix that will convert all of the haters.... I am a priest.... I have duties....
  17. hmmmmm, a bit lengthy of a title?
  18. You really should not name the compilation that man.... just because you haven't gotten into the good dubstep, doesn't mean it isn't out there and you know that because you have released some great stuff on your label and you have enjoyed some artists I have mentioned.... no dubstep head would buy this simply on principle
  19. GLK gonna get his party on! THAT'S WHAT IAM TALKIN' 'BOUT!
  20. CRISSY CRISS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR0TsLLTV1E
  21. Indeed... I wasn't just speaking out of my ass... The first and second ~Scape compilations have a lot of the same type sound all throughout them, you would dig! check out those people I named, they are all on either Soundcloud, Bandcamp, or Myspace...easy to find (Pirahna is from Louisiana, there might be a few different Pirahnas I am guessing) Not sure if you ever talk to Idi Amin/Kicst8dt/DJ Cal Cutta but I know he would know a ton of unsigned/lesser known artists that rule....will get contact info if you need it
  22. yes and yes. Awepittance: some names>>>> Outlaw Producer, Chango, Pirahna, VVV, Egoless, Autopilot, FBOM, B1t Crunch3r, Bro Safari great producers, most on small labels, FBOM owns Kursed but would be willing to give tracks up (amazing producer), the rest are talented as fuck....
  23. would love to hear it GK...
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