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Everything posted by Atop

  1. Atop

    Now Reading

    was thinking about reading The Magus as well, strange... just finished The Great God Pan by Machen and it freaked me out... haven't been scared by a book in a long time...
  2. Atop

    Now Reading

    read 'In Search of the Miraculous' by P D Ouspensky, the book that Gurdjieff wanted to write but wasn't as a good of a writer as P D, so he had him write it for him.....
  3. Atop

    Now Reading

    I feel retarded trying to say his name....ROOEEAAAHGGGGGUUUNNEELLLLo
  4. Atop

    Now Reading

    Wasn't familiar with Tagore but read a bit about him and would like to read some of his work..... have studied a bit of the Fourth Way and I love 'In Search of the Miraculous'.... a non-fiction work titled 'Madame Blavatsky's Baboon' is essential reading if you want to know more about Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, the Theosophists, Rudolph Steiner and early religious groups in the United States....
  5. Atop

    Now Reading

    probably should can vamos' thread
  6. Atop

    Now Reading

    Just finished 'More Than Human' by Theodore Sturgeon and it is pretty mind blowing, suggest it to all sci-fi fans, lovers of speculative fiction... About to start 'The Great God Pan/The Hill of Dreams' by Arthur Machen... have heard nothing but good things about this author...
  7. Atop

    Brian Eno

    I love this film! He is such an admirable person. And inspirational.
  8. this might have been posted already but fuck it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUB1xmP1kro
  9. new afx is too amazing! np: Isan - Slurs and Slowly new Isan is too amazing as well!
  10. It's all scenesters, hippies and juggalos here in Austin... not that many b boys from what I have seen.... just the producers who show up from England, e.g. Hatcha...
  11. alright wes, alright....
  12. Just because they don't like the music they give it a shit name.... I like Broken Note and if you don't, don't listen to him... DOOM STEP and yes I think Untold and Breakage rule.... whatever!
  13. Is that a Beardsley drawing for your avatar? If so, nice...... so what is done about it, the fact that it has had its lifespan of 6 years and time for new shit....? I agree.... I still enjoy a lot of it.... but it is either just newer idm sounding stuff or the hardcore doomstep stuff for me now... listening to Broken Note's full length right now and loving it!
  14. yeah, not really into them either.... I like bass... if you didn't notice....
  15. indeed Reso rips it up! haven't heard the new Monolake, never really got into Monolake... I own some but barely listen to it.... the antithesis of bass... get the new Clubroot Kaini, holy shit balls man!
  16. who else is digging the insane metal, industrial, idm hybrid that some dicks are calling brostep but I renounce this name and call it... DOOM STEP early example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5EqM2AkaAs I know a lot of folk are tired of the wobble but that is what made dubstep fun, now it is has been getting massively evil..... Scorn, Coven, level 67, Flux Pavilion, Broken Note, Siren, Chasing Shadows, Datsik, Excision, Cookie Monsta and many more ---------the evil shit is what I been diggin'... just sounds like an evolution of industrial and metal to me.....
  17. That's not DOOM METAL????
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRftXCiqfQ8 Yeah Stoner Doom!
  19. JEL! NOBODY! TOBACCO! and many others.......
  20. Atop

    Now Reading

    frightening task....good luck
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