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Everything posted by Atop

  1. night indeed fucking rules!
  2. All them people who ignore blatant facts in order to maintain order beneficial only to themselves All them fuckin’ people who smile inna your face, only because they wan’ see who deya behind you All them people who claim to dem-have your best intentions inna dem ‘eart but continually fail when push come to shove All those people who claim-say charity begin at home/Look ‘pon the state of your home!
  3. last time I remember it was called Pole.... oooohhh! just kidding I love the new Burial and the old Burial and the everything before, in between, and after! and Burial is Kode 9.......... I know he confirmed he wasn't, but he is lying...........
  4. I am about to get on top of doing a mix as well...........
  5. yes, it is quite incredible...... could be the best mix I have heard from ya man.... great fuckin work!
  6. why the fuck do you reply in threads that apparently you could care less about? fucking antagonists! talk about what you like not what you hate!
  7. gettin it right now yo, obscure ass list! startin it with the cam'ron, you freak! SWEETNESS!
  8. hey Beneboi, find out when the Dub Assembly nights are happening in Dallas and go to one of those!
  9. sweetness, can't wait to hear it man!
  10. you've seen the best of the best man....... send some of that to Texas! we've got a pretty good scene going here... but never will it be that good.......
  11. I feel like a crack head waiting for crack....... waiting for the new Burial............. and you are right about dubstep in your thread Kokoon........
  12. the dubstep shows here in Austin are amazing! Innerlign, Tyrant, Grommit...... have yet to see parson yet but will someday soon..... great fucking sets, especially Tyrant and Innerlign...... and yes, when the speakers are able to handle the extreme bass, it sounds so fucking good!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc0Xly5s1Ak
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP3aXv_RioE
  15. Stevie Wonder and Dubstep go hand in hand! wonderful mix Masta Cal Cutta... talk to ya soon.........
  16. sheeeit! We need more bad asses here in the US..... Matty G seems to be the best American producer..... and Parson... and Juju... Djunya..... Mundo.... Innerlign.... Tyrant........ they's good......
  17. we need to hang soon mang! not sure if i put up the right Kromestar track but here are the two that mostly resemble the title you named..... get em quick yo! and if they get taken down i will get them to ya when we hang out.... laterz, Akkad
  18. new Burial is on me mind constantly! mixed by Kode 9 huh? Burial can try and be as mysterious as he wants but I will always think he is the 9.......
  19. parson is a genius! Wobblers is a genius track..... Toasty Boy is a/the man!
  20. I will keep trying then..........
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