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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Woke up at 5am for no apparent reason. Drank some old coffee that was gross. Read that new Obama thread because I just didn't know any better and am probably delerious from waking up way too early.
  2. *DOUBLEFUCK! I thought i had found the solution in deciding to listen to David Bowie's Heathen for the first time in x years, but it turns out the first and most important disc is missing from that one too. What the hell??? Terrible start to my day...
  3. I was going to continue listening to Smashing Pumpkins' Melancholy etc. for the first time in x years, but apparently disc 2 is missing. The first disc was finally hitting all the right spots both musically and productionwise for me, so I was pretty stoked about disc 2 as I recall always liking that one more. Fuck. So much for my nostalgia kick.
  4. Could there be a leak in the ceiling? 4 jpg images on my hard drive randomly changed colours ALL BY THEMSELVES. How is this even possible? They also happen to be the only 4 images that I need to use any time soon as they contain the album art from an album I released earlier this year, and I was hoping to tackle all the digital release crap this week. No other image on my computer is effected by this random colour transformation. wtf guys, wtf.
  5. That's pretty fucking awesome. That's pretty fucking awesome. My first world problem is that I gotta go to my studio just to encode some mp3s for a couple people, but all i want to do is vegetate at home, maybe play some piano. It's bullshit I tells ya.
  6. Okay, the baby movie was a horrible idea. I'm sorry guys.... last post. *and I'll be ready for ya, Goidy.
  7. Did some E, but haven't had much of a meal of any sort today. I've got a pizza in the oven as my common sense wise man choice so as to not be sick/a wreck tomorrow, but it's gonna be weird and maybe a little gross. Weird, gross, but probably wise. Girlfriend suggested watching some movie on netflix called "baby geniuses" because I think babies are hilarious, but we both no it's not gonna be good. But it will be hilarious. Not, good, but probably hilarious. Serious first world problem: I post on a internet forums while on drugs, when I should be doing wacky drug things. Gonna go serve up that pizza now. *know *grammr
  8. Strangely, I've never encountered that in the two years I've lived in my current flat. I frequently play guitar, work on tracks or play records past 10pm and despite my paranoia, nobody has complained.. My first place was like that I think just because it was so well sound proofed. Unfortunately we were just pawns they were keeping around until the building was renovated so they could rent or sell to someone else for way more money. The next suite I had was the bottom floor of a house, and we could be as loud as we wanted at all hours simply because the tenants above liked to do the same. In the place I'm currently in I still get away with watching movies with the volume cranked at 2am, but piano's another story I guess because the vibrations carry through the floor and the sound is constant. Oh yeah, and my current first world problem is that my laptop's monitor is suddenly way darker than it should be. It does most of the Windows startup screen at normal brightness, then darkens partway through and remains dark. The effect is also apparent on external monitors that i connect to my computer. Does this mean the inverter needs to be replaced, or is it something else?
  9. I wanna keep playing piano but one of my neighbors complained last time I pianoed it up after 10pm. Gonna have to go on a walk with the new meshuggah instead.
  10. Woke up at 6am with drinking induced cereal cravings, couldn't get back to sleep.
  11. Draino's been trying to digest whatever filth is blocking up my kitchen sink drain for the last hour and a half and it still hasn't eaten its way through the turgid mess. I don't know if "turgid" is the right word for it, but for some reason that's the one that sprang to mind, so I'm going with it.
  12. Very little work lined up at the studio this month. Actually that's pretty great, provided it doesn't stretch out for several months. nm. My coffee is getting unacceptably cool and I will need to get up to put it in the microwave. fml.
  13. Safeway. Most of the workers there are really friendly, there's just this one really passive aggressive middle aged woman who I swear hates me. At chain grocery stores here the cashier pretty much always packs the groceries. It's a part of the job.
  14. Hahah! I swear this bitch has it out for me every time I end up in her line. I don't know what I did, but she's holding onto it with all her check-out clerk angst. One time I brought my own plastic bags instead of economy ones, since I didn't have any on hand, and she's all like "excuse me, I'm not touching these, you need to do it," as if I urinate in my plastic bags but never in the economy ones.
  15. Went grocery shopping, realized every item I got was devoid of any nutritional value, then felt a strange sense of shame and disgust at myself. Just to add insult to injury, the cashier lady slammed my 12 pack of Coke on the counter four times for no apparent reason. Now every can is an accident waiting to happen.
  16. *high five* I don't think I've ever found another confirmed metal-wire-cemented-behind-the-teeth colleague before.
  17. I've had this metal wire cemented to the back of my bottom front teeth for over 15 years, and there is a tiny piece of peanut stuck where the wire meets the cement. I've been prodding at it with my tongue for the last ten minutes to no avail. Just to clarify, the tiny piece of peanut has not been stuck there for the whole duration of those 15+ years. If that were the case I would have killed myself long ago.
  18. I woke up today thinking about how I should probably get a terabyte+ portable HD for cheap asap.
  19. For some reason this is the thread I keep coming back to more than any other watmm thread. it's no surprise that I made it into the top 5. My first world problems are endless. Right now I have a really bad sore throat that makes me not want to go to bed, but I'm tired as fuck. I feel imprisoned by my own body.
  20. Slightly hung over, my equilibrium is shattered.
  21. I ran out of my good coffee and had to resort to making my less good back-up coffee.
  22. I'm still waking up hours before I intend and remaining awake.
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