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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I'm glad I never started drinkin teh coffee for this reason among a myriad of others... Oh it's totally worth it. I wouldn't give up my addiction for the world.
  2. I know I shouldn't be drinking coffee at 10PM since it will probably keep me up until 5am and I need to be up around 9ish for a session, but I just hate wasting coffee and by tomorrow morning it will be too gross to drink. So I'm opting for sleep dep over not enjoying this coffee right now. I also just don't seem to care about the future me, so... whatever, he can deal with it.
  3. Because I'm unfamiliar with the term "stacking it" and the Australian PM I just imagined someone vaguely Clinton-like giving it to some poor woman while a group of important looking men in suits observe from their seats... which would be a pretty crazy thing to see in any paper. (I'm supposing now that the Australian PM is the woman, who is drunk and face down? I like my initial interpretation better.) My good coffee ran out and I'm stuck drinking my disgusting back-up Nabob coffee that I was complaining about earlier in the thread. I really don't understand how this shit has remained on the shelves.
  4. Oh man, I hadn't seen any of his other videos until now. I feel like I'm losing my mind when I watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWuyrlXI7nA
  5. Well it means there will be a Chad moment that day which could fuck some shit up yeah. wow. awesome? ...nah.
  6. I saw Chad Kroeger walking around downtown today, and now every time I walk down that same section of street the ending of that "wings of an eagle" song where he and the other guy harmonize "whoa" together is going to appear in my head. (It's the default Chad Kroeger theme for me any time I'm reminded of him. Oh fuck, I totally didn't mean to reference that other song just now...)
  7. Oversteps was their biggest step in another direction in forever. It's not a favorite of mine, but the fact that they can release something that's such a total surprise after all this time is impressive.
  8. I started typing up a response for the 'stuff you'd like to hear on lp11' Ae thread, but didn't post it because I decided it wasn't funny enough.
  9. I'm on phase 4 of my cold which is nausea, loss of appetite, and a headache that flares up if i stand up and move around. Worst cold ever. The only thing I want to eat is a bowl of cereal but I'm out of milk. And my eyes ache.
  10. I microwaved some chili for 30 seconds since it had been ready for more than half an hour, but apparently I grossly overestimated how much chili cools down in that time. There's a patch of skin on the roof of my mouth that feels unusually smooth now.
  11. lol, thanks! He's actually on a record high for most times shitting in the litter box rather than the floor... like maybe 7 times. But i don't want to rest too easy just yet. I think he's planning something big.
  12. In GTA4 I need to be wearing dress pants to do this fucking mission, and I can't tell which of my pants are the dress pants. They all look shabby and have a stripe on the side, but I know one pair works and one doesn't. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. This sort of shit frustrates me more than any thing ever does in "the real world". I want to punch through a wall. I've tried googling goddamn GTA4 dress pants to no avail... more than once. My life has reached an all time low.
  13. Got my first cold of the season, which is usually a bad sign for me. Last fall that first cold of the season stretched out three months... which is like the entire season. Fuck you weak immune system.
  14. The "this is story" thread got locked, so now I'll never know the stories those 3 or 5 malignant tumors had to tell.
  15. Not a full on lol, but this gave me a chuckle. My coffee this morning was too delicious.
  16. This is practically a nightly ritual for us, but we usually opt for the foot-blanket method.
  17. Kitten keeps hitting things on the coffee table and is now biting a blanket/pillow, and I swear he thinks they're alive and possibly an extension of my own body. Also he shat on the litter bag today. My kitten's a cunt.
  18. Fuck, that was meant to say roommates and because it didn't my one liner fell flat. FML. I have mentioned that very thing to my girlfriend numerous times since this thing started... and she hasn't objected so we'll see.
  19. My kitten will shit in his litter box three or four times in a row, then the next three or four times he'll just shit anywhere on the bathroom floor. He's on a bathroom floor streak at the moment. On an up note, I swear his shit no longer stinks half as bad as it used to... but that could just mean I'm getting used to everything smelling like shit.
  20. Kudos to Sean for wearing a McDonald's uniform to a photo shoot.
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