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Posts posted by Cryptowen

  1. one time i took a shit on a beach using an industrial sized roll of toilet paper i stole from a mcdonalds. tp was not very good & took up most of my backpack space. i buried it using a couple of sticks i found in the bushes nearby. skidoos were going by in the lake on the distance

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  2. Yeah it definitely seems like he had a phase of (perhaps only ironically) flirting with poppier aesthetics in the late 90s, after the more industrial feel of some of the tracks on ICBYD & before the complexity of DrukQs. The heavier usage of non-electronic instruments & putting his face on all the visual material would have been part of this as well imo


    Neutral Milkman Hotel


  3. Thirty Two Short Films About Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (runtime 102 minutes & 24 seconds)

    32 independent filmmakers each attempt to recreate the film Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould in the space of 192 seconds, or 6 seconds per individual segment. Followed up by Thirty Two Short FIlms About Thirty Two Short Films About Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould, and Glenn Gould 3: Final Sequence

  4. On 3/18/2021 at 5:36 PM, xox said:

    poor kid

    i'm picturing Rian Treanor being like a young Tiger Woods, except instead of having to hit golf balls in the back yard all day he's down in the basement making synth patches, and he's not allowed to have dinner until the pads are as lush as that part in "In The Air Tonight" just before before the big drum fill


    but nah these two guys have been some of my most listened to music for the last six months, will definitely have to check this out


    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, hello spiral said:

    I got a lot of creative shit going on in my life that kinda rules and would have 25yr old me very jealous.

    But I am filled with ennui 

    i've been having this somewhat so far this year. like i've been having life experiences that young me would have considered a big deal, and my reaction has largely been "well that's cool i guess". but in saying that i don't mean to suggest that i've fallen into a depressive state - just that i've reached a point in my life where the daily work is itself the satisfying part, and any interesting social results that come about from that work are like a bonus

    also the "cool guys don't look at explosions" law of social positioning suggests that you'll come off as more badass the less outwardly reactive you are to cool stuff happening in your life

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  6. ^yeah i've been big into them of late. they just have such a particular flavour/texture that imo is otherwise underrepresented in western cuisine. i was going mushroom foraging last fall & that was great - if you go with someone who knows what they're doing (this is important), you come across all sorts of wild flavours you'd never see outside of a specialty grocer.


    also the other kinds of mushrooms, on two different occassions, were the only substantial psyhcedelics i've taken in the last three years or so


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  7. 10 hours ago, ignatius said:

    spent the last few days editing this track and got it to where i thought it had a nice flow.. was editing on the laptop w/headphones.. so i consolidate the tracks.. get them in the studio to start mixing and what a load of shit.  i think i know a set of headphones and they go and knife me in the back for sport. 

    oof yah i've had this - i live in an apartment complex with thin walls so i pretty much exclusively do music with headphones. more than once that's resulted in what i thought was a tight track being dropped in a liveset, only to reveal itself to be a monstrosity of bass harmonics & too-loud hihats.

    these days i openly encourage people to only listen to my stuff on headphones (as the lord intended), or at least headphones for the first full listen to a new album. there's just so much detail that would be ignored otherwise!

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  8. *girls taking up the philosophy section at the bookstore for ten minutes voice* "oh my god, i still don't know how you say this guy's name. it's neesh, right? Yeah, I think it's neesh"

    internally i begin to dissociate. springtime. windchimes. fresh mowed grass with my bare kid feet running over them. sugary breakfast cereal bits still on my teeth. going to the ocean later today. it's saturday. i'm five years old. the lawnmower is roaring in the distance


    • Burger 1
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  9. general back to gym meal plan:

    pre-workout: two coffees, honey, a bunch of fruit

    post-workout: 200g of protein, more fruit (got some horse meat lined up for the weekend)

    afternoon: more coffees and/or energy drinks

    dark chocolate after long cardio sessions. dunno. magnesium maybe? it's been a couple years since i was spending significant time research this shit, i forget what chocolate has in it

  10. @toaoaoadimo easing into a health routine is all about building the mental infastructure. basically you want to start off with activities that are relatively effortless but kinda mimic the attitude of someone who is actually getting healthy (rather than just ruminating as a person who wants to get healthy at some future moment, which is the trap that many fall into). So for the active component of health (ie exercise) this could be something like going for a daily walk. Most people can do a walk pretty easy, right? No stress. But it gets you into that more physical mode of being & from there it begins to become easier to envision yourself doing some form of more rigorous exercise (certainly much easier than it is to imagine when you haven't gotten off the couch yet). For the passive component (ie not eating like shit) it's basically the same deal - create a rule for yourself which you know you can follow fairly reliably, but which can gradually become more stringent over time (can be all sorts of stuff - your eating schedule, foodtypes, calories, macros, etc)

    The key imo is you've got to come up with things you can reliably do right now without pushing yourself too much. They should feel easy. Most people fuck up by imagining all the amazing stuff they're going to start doing tomorrow/next week/next month/in the future & they never start doing it. The change remains a fantasy detached from any actual lived experience. What you want to do is to actualize the process of change in the present, even if it's only in some ridiculously small way. Become accustomed to the feeling of change actually happening - you can build from there.


    fwp: now that the gym is re-opened i've been swearing at inanimate objects a lot more again


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