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toaoaoad last won the day on December 11 2023

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  1. Boom https://forum.watmm.com/topic/101212-boomkat-crawls-further-up-its-own-ass/?do=findComment&comment=2873502 https://archive.org/details/Arovane-LivePaApothekeAug2005
  2. Could only find a couple excerpts on youtube. I can't remember where I got it but I strongly suspect it was someone here who shared a link. Perhaps even our friend @ignatius. You must certainly have been the one who brought it to my attention, maybe even shared it somewhere here already?
  3. Recently listened to that Arovane live set from 2005, Portland @ Apotheke and man the entire set is like a love letter to EP7, great sounds for anyone wishing for more of this kinda stuff, even if the derivative-ness is a bit blatant. Arovane's pretty cool so I'll allow it.
  4. Whole conversation is still happening under the heading "2020 US Election" ffs. Hope that's not lost on anybody.
  5. I hear Norway is pretty nice
  6. Just bein a chump. Yeah it would make sense to finish the tour first. But it would be nice to get "something" in the meantime.
  7. warp pls ian pls whoever else might be holding these up... pls?
  8. toaoaoad


    Good spot on the reference. It's the "-aeux" that makes the word look funny, as compared to the usual "-eaux". I presume the intention was to put an "ae" in there
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