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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. The Naked Gun 4.444'


    Frank Drebin is back! Using state of the art CGI and never before seen footage, Hollywood have been able to recreate Frank in all his glory.... As you've never seen him before!


    Also starring O.J Simpson, who has shot his scenes from inside his prison room.


    And Prescilla Presley!

  2. A Hollywood adaption of Doctor Who (played by Bruce Willis) where the tardis is a Porsche and his assistant Laura is played by Angelina Jolie. The doctor faces EXTREME peril in the form of Cybermen who have grown really large and now look like transformers. The world is certain to face doom, but with the help of The Brigadier (played by Jason Statham) they may just be able to fend off the alien menace and restore peace.


    Cameo's from Sylvester McCoy in a flashback scene that will only make the extended directors cut on bluray only.


    Directed by Michael Bay.

    Theme tune remix by Tiesto.

  3. The creative juices of watmm have been fully realised within this thread.


    Note to Hollywood exec's and screenwriters who WILL be reading this thread: I'm pretty sure that like at least 60% of us would be available to attend kick-off meetings to discuss any of these topics. PM's plz.

  4. The Chancellor

    This hard-hitting docu-drama follows the 24 hours leading up to the chancellor of the exchequer delivering the 2014 budget to the house of commons.


    This is actually going to be a TV series shot in the style of "24", including fly-on-the-wall phone calls, lengthy discussions on budget formalities, 3 full recitals of the actual budget speech, toilet breaks, meal times and at least 6 hours of sleep.


    Rated PG-13, contains mild peril and scenes that many British citizens may find distressing.






  5. To avoid becoming embroiled in a lengthy legal dispute with the makers of the 1970 smash hit Space Amoeba, I have been forced to change the name of my last submission to Space Gland

    :emotawesomepm9: :emotawesomepm9:


    If you google "space gland" it comes up with something about warhammer. Hope games workshop don't sue you either.

  6. Titanic 2

    Whilst we were lead to believe at the end of the first movie that the ship Titanic actually sank, well...


    It didn't.



    This is the story about how the surviving passengers of the good ship titanic manage to patch up the breach in the hull as its going down, bale out a load of water, and get it buoyant again. They continue on their journey only to hit an ever bigger iceberg and face even more certain peril. There are explosions and fire and shitstorms of bad luck.

    Theme song by Shania Twain.


    Starring Daniel Radcliffe as the happy-go-lucky Irish lad with but a penny to his name and fortune on his side, who meets flighty starlet upper class twit girl played by Natalie Portman.

    Directed by Michael Bay.


    Out soon.

  7. Friends: The Movie


    Joey and the other ones get back together again for exactly 92 minutes of in-jokes, capers and scrapes. One scene is a pizza delivery moped being chased by Monica who is passenger in a taxi "Follow that pizza delivery guy!" she says and then when they catch up she realises its Joey "Oh you guys!!!!"


    The main plot is still a very much TBC "secret" but it involves Phoebe writing a musical for Broadway and there is a big song and dance scene near the end and there are some fireworks and somebody gets married to someone else and Joey is late but says "Wasssssuppppppppp" as he arrives in a cab and the Rembrandts are the wedding band and they sing the title song (which also appears at 5 other points throughout the film in various remixes by Skrillex, David Guetta and The Pet Shop boys. Album due out June 2015)


    Also there are some super secret Hollywood cameo's throughout the film, big hitting names such as Kevin "Tremors" Bacon (starring as: the new hunky guy next door who manages to "woo" both Monica and Rachel

    but ends up with Phoebe)

    , Danny "Lethal Weapon" Glover (starring as: The Taxi Driver) and Carmen Electra (starring as: the broadway dame)




    Not recorded in front of a live studio audience. No laughter to help prompt you to the bits that are meant to be funny.



    *edit* news just in - Carmen Electra has walked out of her role on the film, saying that it did not fulfil her needs. A replacement is yet to be sought.

    *double edit* to be directed by Richard "Notting Hill / Love Actually" Curtis. Screenplay by Joey.

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