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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Gabber shouldn't need to be explained. Its mostly just fast, fun music that makes you bounce around like a fool. I know there are sub-genres that take the fun out of it and make it darker, but basically the essence of the stuff is that its fast and predictable and it makes you dance.


    Best gabber (gabba?) sets I have experienced:-


    Hellfish & The Producer at Glade Festival (2006?)

    Tim Exile @ Bangface (elektrowerkz 2006?)

    Captain Ahab @ Bangface (elektrowerkz 2008)


    Some of the acid techno stuff gets close to gabber speeds - Rowland the Bastard plays relentless acid techno that kicks the ass out of it.... I was present for this and it was fucking awesome:-



  2. Picked up volume 4 in the Justice League Dark New 52 TP series. Struggling to pay attention to whats going on - this series started off with promise but has generated into standard DC mess with fuck all interesting stuff going on apart from "oh noes! the world is gonna end!" shit, and my interest in all of the characters has pretty much dropped to zero. The Swamp Thing included in the story does nothing to add to my interest - he's just there getting thrown around doing nothing.


    I'm gonna stick with the main Swamp Thing story though, still seems pretty good and is keeping me entertained.

    Was a bit annoyed that they have concluded Animal Man already - surely there was enough promise to keep that going for a while longer.


    DC generally seems like a mess to me - they keep starting new stories / closing series off prematurely, have joined some stories together and dropped others altogether. Seems like a bit of a logistical clusterfuck with about 5 versions of the justice league all going on at once.


    They should do a "meanwhile, over in Iceland" episode, where everyone is fine and doesnt have a clue about the zombie apocalypse going down, other than the fact that the rest of the world seems to be not worrying them and they are cool with that.

    The show should have always been about a complete world view, not a shite microcosm of Georgia. Would have been 2 expensive to do though.

    Games of Thrones begs to differ. Their investment seems to have paid off.
  4. Let's secure that shit Hudson!


    Even just a ligit list of band camp pages and other sources is great, I've never really spent too long researching all the remixes to be honest but if the spreadsheet can be shared including URLs for payable downloads then I'll be a happy man.

  5. Watmm, you are amazing.


    I have a few tracks on vinyl that I would be happy to rip if they are not already in the collection.


    But I'm pretty sure I won't have anything rare that won't be covered already. Happy to try and contribute in any other way though.

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