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Posts posted by Stock

  1. Do you think this is true, that if WARP made the digital version available early, they would cut heavily into their projected earnings on the physical versions?

    Perhaps, but I doubt it. Most "casual" Ae listeners would probably go for the digitals either way round, whilst the fans would go for the physicals no matter what.


    Plus they wait for the pre-orders to reach certain amounts before pressing the vinyls, don't they ? So anyway the vinyl will be sold. CD is more of an ambigous format but I guess they'd still sell it well.

  2. You know what's weird ?

    The distributor of Warp in France doesn't even have the promo yet apparently.

    If not them then who ?


    Dispatch Agency lol.


    Seriously tho, I noticed that Warp new releases were almost always released late in France since approx. last year(even big Inès like the latest FlyLo)...i hoped Exai would be released on time but looks like it won't.

  3. Yeah the mini reviews Pixelife gives us are like the sweetest Advent calendar EVER.


    Reading it I have the conviction that it might be their best work to date, but also the feeling that it could be their last album, a feeling I already had with Oversteps, only countered by MoT as a follow-up. I obviously don't hope so but still...

  4. That, and you need a pretty nice turntable/cartridge/stereo setup for crystalline sound.


    point me in the direction of a modestly priced, quality turntable. please


    The American Audio TTD 2400 is a direct drive turntable that costs roughly 100$. That's the best price/quality ratio I've seen so far. Was planning on buying one+the Exai LP on march (unused christmas money) but I don't know whether that's a good placement lol

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