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Posts posted by Stock



    Finally beat Mom in BOI. Best moment of my day and you're the only people I can share that feeling with :flower:


    In that case: Yay! Congrats, man! Keep up the good work! :beer:


    Me too, although I got really lucky with my upgrades.



    I guess luck is a very important part of the game...I noticed that by keeping on playing I started unlocking new items and getting stronger. I had a nice set of items when I killed mom as well !!! (except those spider eyes that made me shot 4 tears at the same time but at a very slow rate...)

  2. I really suck at Binding of Isaac...Saw the Wrath Of The Lamb DLC for sale on Steam and bought it instantanely few weeks ago, and I suck even more at the game so I don't think I'll get the rebirth edition that soon :happy:


    The "local co-op" thing sounds very interesting tho !

    (also, very excited about the 3DS Majora's Mask, hope they'll add few things to the original game, the fake video of "Majora's Mask HD" had me pretty excited when it was released !!!)


    any recommendations for a fun hero to start off with?


    Purge's tutorial "welcome to dota 2 you suck" has a small pick of heroes for beginners that are really fun and quickly rewarding. I've spent "only" 70 hours on DotA 2 but I really enjoy the game now, and the good thing is I know I'll enjoy it more and more every time I'll play it !


    Also thanks for the Twitch links AdieuErsatzEnnui, will look after one of those players - never really watched professional players except during The International 4 but even then I really didn't understand shit to that game so it wasn't that enjoyable...


    I've re-downloaded Left 4 Dead 2 ready for a mega Halloween sesh.


    Bought it on Steam when it came out, racked up a total of 4 hours playtime, and never bothered with it again, so I'm sure as shit gonna be making up for it this weekend.


    L4D2 on Steam is the tits. I'd rank as it one of the best games ever. If you invest in it you will see it has a lot of depth and a long learning curve (I have 300+ hrs and am still learning all the time). Just stay away from Versus mode until you've learnt the ropes unless you like being abused. Seriously, you've been warned!



    This game really provides tons of fun even when you play it for the first time...plus all the mods on the Steam Workshop makes it even funnier !


    Approaching 2500 hours played of Dota2.


    And I was happy with my ~70 hours...

  5. Can't get enough of Team Fortress 2 lately.


    Played it since the beta and even admin'd totaltf2.com (RIP) for a little while, but I started to play it less and less over time, and it got to the point where I literally went years without touching it. However, I bought a brand new rig at the start of this year so naturally I've been playing a ton of TF2, trying to keep up with all the shit Valve keep implementing into the game haha.


    The new Mann vs Machines mod is really great. But I never felt the need to play TF2 that much, even tho I love that game...

    More into DotA 2 at the moment !


    Just bought a second-hand DS Lite...As of right now I just have FF IV on it (which is great btw !), has anybody any recommendation please ? (beside the obvious ones like Zelda/Metroid of course !)

    ds castlevanias were dope



    Never played any Castelvania anyway (yeah I know I had a shitty childhood !), might give those one a go. Thanks :flower:


    i think im addicted to syro ...




    You have already heard pseudotimestretch more times in a week than I will likely hear the album in my lifetime. That's some devotion.



    And how could someone listen almost 120 times to 180dB anyway ??? :trollface:

  8. just chiming in to say i purchased the vinyl and cd (from two different local record stores!) last nite (us release) and thoroughly enjoyed it. metz hifi is awesome syrobonkus is bonkers and piezoluminescence is lushious


    fix't for ya :flower:



    yeah this is happening to me, and during the day I find some passages just appear and then I realise I'm humming them, the vocal peice in minipops especially but others too



    Same here, it's been probably a little hard for my co-workers not to hit me in the face but, hey, :aphexsign:

  10. I haven't listened to the album for 3 days, and it's only my 3rd listen, but I'm totally re-discovering the tracks (and I'm only at the Metz track, never noticed it was SO deep). Hope i'll have the same feeling for all the tracks :music:

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