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Posts posted by Stock

  1. Gave it my first listen and I can't really get into it, it's like there's something missing. I won't talk about the "challenging" or "experimental" points that already have been discussed but rather about the sound pallet that imho is pretty disappointing. For sure the songs are great, they provide somethin' new but it sounds as if I was listening to an improved version of MoT - seriously, all the "hip-hop" songs (and especially recks on) sound like a reworked rew(1) with new pads over it.

    This is really a disappointement to me and it almost manage to kill the pleasure I have to finally give Exai a listen. I never thought of Oversteps or MoT, nor Exai, to be steps taken backwards in their discography, but I don't feel the massive change they used to create between their last albums...Maybe it's just a matter of time tho (I hope so !)


    Sucks. I've been reading 10+ pages of this thread, and when your messages teased me enough to make me move to the Norman Records page, well...



    I just came from work,read 10 pages of how awesome the samples are and now they took it down ( jumps out of the window )




    I hope we'll both be rewarded for our misfortune !

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