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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. fuck cash converters mate. get a Zoom RFX-1100. £99 brand new.
  2. lovely room, but needs more gear imo. your studio basically comprises a drum kit and a computer. nice job on the decor though.
  3. chicken dhansak special pulao rice dall musala vegetable samosa poppudoms
  4. fish and chips and mushy peas and a saveloy washed down with a can of Lech.
  5. weed, red wine post desperodos tequila beer currently skinning up and alan partridge
  6. Tesco Value Cornish Pasty - 34p and suprisingly delicious.
  7. Desperados Tequila Beer and a spliff.
  8. i'm currently being consumed by stress and anger from speaking to complete fucking wankers all day (i'm at work) and i want to go punch someone's fucking lights out. FUCK.
  9. just had a chicken shawarma kebab for lunch from this lebanese place and it was fucking well nice. also just had a crunchie for pudding.
  10. BCM

    The Ctrl+V thread

    I shot a moose, once. I was hunting up-state New York, and I shot a moose, and I strap him on to the fender of my car, and I'm driving home along the west side highway, but what I didn't realize was, that the bullet did not penetrate the moose. It just creased the scalp, knocking him unconscious. And I'm driving through the Holland tunnel - the moose woke up. So I'm driving with a live moose on my fender. The moose is signaling for a turn, y'know. There's a law in New York state against driving with a conscious moose on your fender, tuesday, thursday and saturday. And I'm very panicky, and then it hits me: some friends of mine is having a costume party. I'll go, I'll take the moose, I'll ditch him at the party. It wouldn't be my responsibillity. So I drive up to the party and I knock on the door. The moose is next to me. My host comes to the door. I say "Hello. You know the Solomons". We enter. The moose mingles. Did very well. Scored. Two guys were trying to sell him insurance for an hour and a half. Twelve o'clock comes - they give out prices for the best costume of the night. First price goes to the Burcowiches, a maried couple dressed as a moose. The moose comes in second. The moose is furious. He and the Burcowiches lock antlers in the living room. They knock each other unconscious. Now, I figured, is my chance. I grab the moose, strap him onto my fender, and shoot back to the roads, but - I got the Burcowiches. So I'm driving along with two jewish people on my fender, and there's a law in New York State ... tuesdays, thursdays and especially saturday. The following morning the Burcowiches wake up in the woods, in a moose suit. Mr. Burcowich is shot, stuffed and mounted - at the New York Athletic Club, and the joke is on them, because it's restricted.
  11. hello! nice set up :)
  12. i'm guessing a camera with no flash
  13. i'm still waiting to hear The Tuss on Top Gear....bound to be on it sooner or later - Death Fuck probably.....they'll be showing some old car and playing like, really relaxing classical music while they film it from different angles, then Clarkson will say "UNTIL NOW", and it'll get burned up by some shit hot Lamborghini and Death Fuck will kick in well loud.
  14. Digeridoo on Ray Mears last night
  15. *30 year old hi-5* (really awkward and uncool looking)
  16. yes, that is also extremely annoying.
  17. no i'm 30. and i'm not actually racist at all. all the londoners know exactly what i'm on about.... it's a real shame. talking of films to highlight issues etc, try watching Kidulthood (shit title i know), but it's a reasonably accurate portrayal of violent culture in london at the moment. anyway, back to the dubstep.....
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