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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. BCM


    isn't there? sorry must have forgot to tick the box...will rectify when back home later...
  2. BCM


    magic and sparkle
  3. BCM


    First track with my new Volcas...apologies if the levels are fucked up or the recording's shit...got a new (cheap as fuck) mixer and am finding my way around everything... Anyway, Volcas ahoy! https://soundcloud.com/b-c-m/brian-branch-acid
  4. Nice! Where did you get your power supplies from as I'm looking to procure one for my bass? :D maplins, 9v 600 mA...think they were £12 each, bit pricey really, can get them cheaper off amazon...weirdly, the bass and the keys only seem to work when they have batteries in, even if they're plugged into the mains...the beats works with just the psu and no batteries, but not the other two - I've checked all the psus and they all work, so am wondering if it maybe a fault with my units (they seem fine in every other respect) or just a weird quirk - maybe they are working from the mains but for some reason still need the batteries in place...I dunno it's weird...anyone else have this happen?
  5. got me volcas
  6. top one looks amazing, bottom one looks messy but tasty as fuck.
  7. terrible though I know it is, I got very drunk last night and was up till 5am, so have simply had to come out and get another burger.
  8. it was horrible - like a load of old shoes falling out of a loft.
  9. generally I'm a burgers well done and cooked all the way through man, but this one came pretty rare and I was in a hurry so just ate it anyway. I must add that I'm posting this from the toilet.
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