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Posts posted by Lucas

  1. @ vincentvc : I have those speakers too and they shouldn't be noisy. Or wait, what do you mean with noisy ? Mine used to make noises (which I understood coming from a ground loop according to my searches. There was a static noise + some noises according to what I was doing on the pc. I remember that scrolling with the mouse was always a problem for example. Weird). I solved the problem by removing the ground in the speaker cables.


    But if you're talking about standard (white like) noise, there's something wrong. Do the two of them produce this noise ?


    PS. nice pic missingsense ! looks comfortable

  2. I'm gonna predict once more that the first two slower ones are all RDJ, the third super fast one is either all TRJ or RDJ/TRJ and the last two super fast ones are, obviously, all TRJ. I predict they were recorded BEFORE "Do You Know Squarepusher", but either just before or just after Go Plastic, and definitely just after or during Drukqs.


    Hey my guesses are yours exactly! After a couple of listens I came up with it and it didn't move since then. I also agree it's harder to tell for the third track but a lot of it sounds TJ to me (acid from the beginning, the bass, break....)

  3. I listen to Autechre since I'm 16 years old or so, for me it's always been a huge thing with some accessible stuff, some more obscure stuff which I took years to digest. I listened to some albums more than others but always admired their work.


    Then Exai came out and it still sounds like a monument, one of the most accomplished thing I ever heard. I found it more accessible as most of their stuff from the beginning but it still fascinates me like so little music does. L-Event goes in the same case (tac Lacora... where the hell does this track comes from?...).


    I always found more and more difficult to discover music across the years but this belongs to the top notch of the exceptions.


    Thank you

  4. Yeah I play with the Complete mod, but the folder I downloaded is named "Complete 2009" and I just realized there seem to be an updated one :/ (http://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-complete-2009). Oh well I think I'm too far in the game now and apart from a few weird things the version I play is really enjoyable. I've no idea how much it modifies the original game though!


    I started watching the movie two or three month ago but fell asleep miserably after 15 minutes or so... But I really want to see it, I was simply too tired this day (or everything named 'Stalker' has a strange attraction / repulsion thing with me).


    And did you guys play the sequels? Do you think they're any good? And what about this Metro 2000-something game? Didn't the same developer produce it?

  5. So for the third time I started to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which I bought some years ago and never managed to play to more than a few hours (I always wanted to play it but for some other reasons it never worked). Anyway now I'm in and this game is incredible, awesome atmosphere, the gameplay is kinda tricky but once you get used to it it's really good. This game has a lot of character. I don't play that much anymore but that's really the kind of game I appreciate to give time to now and then.


    Also my next plan is to watch the movie by Tarkovski

  6. actually cool that those uploads don't last long, you've the time to listen to them once and then to forget about them before they're released. The best way to promote a release imo. Sounds good anyway, I'm excited about this release.


    edit : second track reminding Rsdio - seconded ! sounds like a good track in any case


    On that note, can anyone recommend a decent VST phaser for Mac?


    Try MeldaProduction's - http://www.meldaproduction.com/plugins/product.php?id=MMultiBandPhaser


    they also have a great freeware pack full of essential plugs.


    seconded, the free pack is awesome. The Reaplugs pack (free) is very good as well (it's the set of native Reaper vsts as standalone, for basic stuff some of them are great. a third recommendation : it's not a pack but you can dl all the Variety of Sound plugs for free and they're awesome.

  8. Have someone heard about Gus by Christophe Blain ? It's a humorous western, telling the adventures of a three friends gangster crew robbing banks and trains, but more consequently being obsessed with women and always involved in some half-baked plans for meeting girls. The drawing is as simple as it's lively and efficient and the stories are very funny. I read the three released books (should be continued) a few days ago for a second time and enjoyed it as much as through the first reading. I don't know how it's been distributed in other countries than France though.



  9. Yeah well maybe I made that comment because I'm making all on the same config (composing + mixing) and find it pretty convenient. Keeping working on the mix throughout the composition of the track. I reckon it's not the most common way to go though. And I agree to say it's not that a big deal during the composition (although it makes sense to say that the more your installation is optimal, the more you've chance to fine tune your tracks well!)

  10. finally bought chris ware's building stories and was pretty disappointed with it. firstly it comes in a big puzzle size box. where am i going to store that? secondly instead of taking the effort to shape it into a book it comes in 13 or so different size sections, some small and one page, some huge and 4 pages, some inbetween. now it could have succeeded and been a brilliant idea, but for some reason it comes across as lazy to me. huge fan so maybe expectation got the better of me.


    What did you read from him ? I only know Jimmy Corrigan which I found awesome. If you any other recommandation my ears are all open

  11. it's just more direct, the bass is bassy, the drums are hard-hitting and everything seems like it's on its "right" place





    wow some tracks sound awesome already !..


    it definitely sounds more accessible than the previous stuff, which is in my opinion not a bad thing


    Cannot relate to that...i find everything pre-EP7 more accessible compared to this album...even Oversteps is easier to listen to


    I agree. I think Oversteps was much more accessible or whatever. I think it has something to do with this mostly being a shit ton hardware and how they are layering stuff. This is some complex stuff here — a lot going on both in sound design and how its made. Its like software events with hardware devices and better post editing.


    Disc two definitely seems more refined.


    Well maybe what I wanted to say is more direct indeed. Some bits of Oversteps still sound too much all over the place for me. But yeah anyway I wrote that when I was around track 5. Sounds like a very good album anyway.

  12. Any rumor about an upcoming Bogdan release ?


    edit : I know that's kinda out of place but I didn't want to create a post for that and I thought someone here might know something (which I suppose is not the case anyway)

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