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Posts posted by ghOsty

  1. Okay so... I went and scooped it up but...


    I misread the box when I first looked at it the other day (it was up on a shelf and I guess maybe I was too overly-excited to see a recorder in a shop to notice at first :cisfor: ), turns out it was just an H1... I suppose an H4N would have probably been more even at a Pawn Shop. But I really just wanted a quality recorder as I didn't have one before and it should work for the purposes I plan to use it for (field samplings and maybe some vocals, and maybe recording my guitar around the apartment). I figure this will be fun to play with and get used to and I can upgrade sometime when I have more money. After looking at prices seems I still got a decent deal on it, and it was like new in the box.

  2. So I was browsing through a pawn shop around here the other day and noticed they got a Zoom H4N recorder sitting on the shelf and they're only asking $74 for it. If I remember right they usually go for about 200 more than that. I didn't have the money at the time but considering the area it's in I don't think anyone's gonna be swooping in for audio gear anytime soon. I'm thinking I may go pick it up with my next paycheck.... Anyways. anyone have any experience using these? How are they? Is it as much of a steal as it seems for $74? Also I've never really purchased gear from a pawn shop before should I be hesitant or go for it?

  3. Traded in some of my post-issue 100 Spawn collection (series kinda fell off after issue 100) and got The Long Halloween, can definitely see how Christopher Nolan borrowed elements of this one throughout the films, I'm about halfway through already and enjoying it quite a bit.

  4. Been reading a lot of Batman novels in the last year (been on a huge Batman fix, im dying waiting for The Dark Knight Rises)... I've read Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum and Bloodstorm. All of those were great reads except the last one, which was a really stupid spin-off where Batman becomes like dracula and is barely related to the whole Batman universe. I was given it by my former roommate and should have known it'd be dumb because he described it as "so fucking awesome" and he's a tasteless fuckhead.


    Next I'd really like to read the Jeph Loeb Batman novels: I'll probably start with The Long Halloween, then move to Dark Victory

  5. The Nuclear Bible


    (absolutely absurd, i know this guy in real life, he seems to be really good at self promotion)



    Why are you so quick to call this one absurd? I browsed through some of it, and while it makes a rather extreme accusation towards the US gov, it certainly seems to have a lot of supporting evidence to back it up. I'm not saying I 100% believe what he says to be true. But, I honestly wouldn't put it past our government to be capable of pulling such strings, and that's not just from other heresay conspiracies, but from things the government has actually done in the past.


    For anyone remotely interested in this stuff I HIGHLY reccomend this book, it's not conspiracies or fiction but rather it talks about the extensive amount of projects and secret experiements that the US government has been responsible for since WW2 that have been leaked, declassified, or uncovered by former officials, some of which are quite sketchy. The author did TONS of research going into this book and it's pretty well done. I picked it up on a whim in high school at a used book shop and it's quite an eye-opening read.





  6. Revisiting the older seasons of Breaking Bad in preparation for next month... It's just making me love the show even more, going back knowing what happens later on makes me realize they really did the development of each character brilliantly.


    Re-watching S1 of the X-Files, and my god, Space is an absolutely terrible episode.


    Haha, I've been progressively working my way through the X-files as well, and yeah that episode was just stupid.. wasn't it ironically also the highest budget episode for the season?

  7. Officially moving to St. Paul tomorrow, I'm with my girlfriend at her parent's house. She's going through all her old stuff her mom has saved and getting all sentimental wanting to bring stuff we don't need to the apartment. I'm afraid I'm gonna end up with a bedroom full of stuffed animals... if this does become the case, I'm turning the living room into a mancave.

  8. The new El-P album is fucking dope, looking forward to hear what Aesop Rock's gonna push out later this year... Seem's Aesop's been in kind of a dark place in his head the last year dealing with the death of his best friend, etc... I'm hoping for some darker, sharp-tongued bangers.

  9. Re: Lateralus re-ordered...


    Jules and some of you other guys might get a kick out of this...


    I was in the toolchat room on the official page the other day (yeah, I still go in there from time to time, wouldn't reccomened it but its a nostalgia thing I used to go there as a teeen quite often) anyways... One rather obsessive fan presented an order to me, claiming he had "figured out Lateralus" along with a reeeeaaaally detailed explination, that I can't quite remember/didnt understand enough of but I did copy down. His reasoning was something along the lines of using the fibonnaci sequence to jump up and down through track order, moving up when he got to faaip de oiad. aso through the titles of the tracks (I forget some of the details and steps in there) but by Doing this he also found out that the last few letters in each title can spell out "tool lateralus" when put in this order... I listened but passed him off as being an overly obsessed fan until curiously I tried putting it in this order and went back and re-visited the album and well... it flows pretty damn awesomely


    TL;DR obsessive fan suggested this order claiming fibbonaci tie-ins as to why he ordered it that way... I tired it, it sounds awesome, maybe he's right?


    Here's the order:




    faaip de Oiad

    ticks and Leeches




    thE patient

    the gRudge



    eon blUe apocalypse


  10. 1. Madvillainy

    2. Operation: Doomsday

    3. MM... Food

    4. Born Like This

    5. Dangerdoom


    I need to give Born Like This a revisit though, and I've been meaning to hear Vaudville Villain... Dangerdoom I'd probably rank higher if it weren't for all the Adult Swim tie-in's that I think are kinda distracting and detract from the album

  11. My gf and I have been watching old episodes of The X-Files a lot lately, we're about 1/3 of the way through season 2. Also been trying to catch up on The Office, but decided to go back and start from season 1, moving through them pretty quickly though, I'm already up to season 3 again. Also been slowly working my way through Sons of Anarchy but it's been harder to find time to watch that one, cause I have to watch it by myself cause the lady won't watch it with me.


    Also can't wait for Breaking Bad to start up again...

  12. i would not hold your breath about hearing an angry maynard again, he is a pretty content and happy dude these days. i hope he got a lot out of his system with puscifer but i feel like his heart his much more into his wine and puscifer than tool. we shall see. obviously i love the dude to death and will always give the 4 of them the benefit of the doubt. i think they can still put out a great record and i'm pretty sure this will be better than 10k days. it kind of has to be.


    i would also like to see a departure from alex grey. it's been over 10 years now, let's mix it up a little...


    I think that's exactly my worry about it, he just doesn't seem as into Tool anymore, even before Puscifer came about, he was dabbling in APC (though I did like APC quite a bit) and other side projects (the Tapeworm project that sadly never came about)... I also just now realized I said Alex Jones instead of Grey in my post, but I guess Rosetta Stoned was a little Jones-ish

  13. I'm kinda on the fence about this one... I used to be really really into Tool, like they were my favorite band. I still love the older stuff a hell of a lot, but man 10kdays was just not a good record imo, It seemed like mostly filler except for maybe 2 or 3 good songs (Rosetta Stoned not included, that track is overrated wankery). I don't feel it had a consistent theme either, it felt kinda thrown together. I really can't help but agree with the notion that they have definitely peaked already. I think it's safe to say they'll never top Lateralus. If they do release another album of Aenima or Lateralus quality I'll be quite happy and I'm sure I'll play it a hell of a lot, but if it's another 10kdays I'm gonna be really dissapointed...


    I've also thought that it'd be really coo to hear them go back to roots, and not try to give off the "enlightend/higher conciousness" Alex Jones vibe and go back to being slightly darker, angry and rawer sounding i.e. Undertow and Aenima (though that had themes of higher conciousness it was more subtle). I wanna hear Maynard pissed off and bitter again.

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