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Posts posted by ghOsty

  1. I think if Tyler starts to mature up his content a bit and start getting into some real issues while staying dark controversial and generally not giving a fuck, he'll be really onto something... as of right now he has much potential, as does the rest of the crew. They're young artists with pretty damn good production for their ages. But the tendency he has to fall into offensive lyrics for the sake of being shocking and controversial is somewhat shallow and I think will eventually get pretty old and people will grow sick of it when over the long haul there isn't much meaningful content. (Although ICP's been pulling that gimmick for years and although they're fucking terrible have a devoted following)


    Tyler's "Yonkers" track is a great sign of this potential I think, while still dark and conroversial he's actually somewhat getting into talking about some real frustrations (worries about his mental state, and the current music trends) I'm curious to see what Goblin brings, and the already announced major label debut said to be in the works. I think perhaps some guidance from more experienced peers might help him and the rest of the crew realize this potential. I can't say much for the rest of the OFWGKTA as I've only really listened to Tyler and Earl and some of the first mixtape. I'm not overly amazed with what I've heard so far, but I do hear the potential and I think they're worth keeping an eye on.

  2. It makes me happy that no one's posted any Dane Cook, god damn am I sick of him... his very early bit's were good but then it became very formulaic and predictable (tell awkward story, make weird screech noise, hope for laughs, if laugh fails add in something about dicks or pussy)

  3. I was in a math-rock kick a couple years ago, kinda fallen out of it but I still enjoy some from time to time... I should give my Don Caballero collection a re-listen


    Also dig Battles (of course), Dysrhythmia, Holy Fuck, Maps & Atlases, and Tera Melos, I also like Hella and love Lightning Bolt, but I always considered them more noise-rock than math

  4. I've been slowly working my way through the Scar Tissue, the autobiography of Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers... It's an interesting read so far, he had a really crazy life growing up to say the least.

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