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spptrl alt del

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Posts posted by spptrl alt del

  1. can you give an example of where it clips? to me all the distortion sounds deliberate...

    likewise, i don't hear much clipping at all. the file sounds pretty decent. why so concerned with repping (incessantly) for the quality of the album while disclaiming the file format? seems like a waste of energy


    Clipping is most evident in the last two tracks.

    still seems like a trifling matter.

  2. The rapidshare one sounds like someone competent doing the usual boring IDM, can't wait for the real thing.

    uhh, really? does typical IDM sound like this? The more recent "leak?" It sounds glotch-ian (like the sampler), 'phat' autechre-impersonating, etc. It sounds pretty good.

  3. As far as the altered:carbon fake goes.... I don't get the hype. Not only does it not sound ANYTHING like Autechre IN THE SLIGHTEST, it's pretty generic and bland... if you like this stuff I really urge you to support the musicians in the EKT forum and also on web labels, because most of them are producing far more interesting and original music.

    well, i picked up a perlence vibe (beat fragment patterns) from A:C's "ilanders" and some similar zones to Outh9x in "pt2ph8" (A:C). Agreed, the melodies feel more generic, but Autechre's later albums have been very hit-and-miss to me. So, I didn't see Altered:Carbon's leak as very inferior in quality, composition-wise (or all that dissimilar from Autechre). I'd love to be "righted" or made to feel otherwise.

  4. the Plc and 90101 have taken precedence over my quaristice listening choices, for sure. dunno why. Plc sounded so unremarkable to me at first, but it works perfectly. 90101 i can listen to over and over, its so dry and snappy. puts a smile on my face. just those two though, presently. i don't care for the primary melodies for IO and perlence, though both tracks open up really nicely into some dense and shifting, stuttery zones


    i think steels sets up tankakern nicely, but i have yet to find a use for it on its own

  5. i dunno, it's nowhere near as good as draft. megamix has got some programming (fluttering snare freq's) thats reminiscent of hangable autobulb. but on the whole it's rhythmically rigid, like a broken record (of course it varies, but not on the whole)


    slow acid is doing some sik shit to my ears though

  6. ISS:SA is like super-awesome hiphop from the 29th century.

    it's still too busy to be hip hop music. i imagine it to be kinda illustrated city-scapes, textures stimulatin my mind in rhythm

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