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Posts posted by FLA FUR BIS FLE

  1. The Hobbit 2


    Leaps and bounds better than the first. The bits with Smaug were fucking great. I was a bit worried that they wouldn't pull it of, but it was (for me) the most interesting part of the film. I still don't like the guy they have playing Thorin, and Freeman is still unconvincing as Bilbo.

    The first part of the film, in The Prancing Pony, was a bit odd. I almost felt like it was an SNL skit. Something to do with the strange TV set like quality of the film, mixed with the hokey mannerisms of the actors. The barrel scene was over the top, but I actually really enjoyed it. I think that had less to do with the action and more to do with how it was shot, really disorientating. I was also curious how well they would pull off the talking spiders, and the ring mechanic was great. The same goes for when Bilbo put on the ring when he was under the mountain, around Smaug, and golden aura of the dragon that was everywhere inside of the ring "world".


    All in all, very enjoyable. It wasn't nearly as painful to sit through for 3 hours as the first one. I am still unconvinced by 3D, though. This most likely has to do with the fact that I wear glasses, and have to put the 3D glasses over my prescription glasses.


    Does anyone have the links to the vids of all those really bad (aka amazing) acting reels? There was one where a guy does a Robert Deniro-like impression, and it pans out and he is in a wheelchair. They are very similar to this:


    I think. Sandy is my favourite.







    lol, yes!




    Ender's Game

    - 9.5/10




    reign of fire


    this is some underrated shit. i used to confuse this with d-war. really not as bad as i expected. christian bale pre batman, it's very weird that this movie even exists. 6.5/10




  4. Blue Valentine



    I....kinda liked it. Not sure how Gosling went from being a super rockin' NYC stud to a creepy PA paedo in the matter of about 4 years, but I can deal with it. I liked the ending as well. I wasn't sure how it would resolve, and I am glad that it didn't, really.

  5. After Earth


    I feel like I freebased Dianetics. Feels good, man. Feels right.


    Also, I think Scientology really lends it self to acting. The wooden, almost robotic acting of Will Smith, mixed with the retarded British/Yonkers accent of Jaden Smith made my penis tingle. When Jaden Smith scrunches his eyebrows, he looks like an alien, no makeup required.

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