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Posts posted by zlemflolia

  1. I don't even remotely understand the complaints about lacking melody


    Every snippet you can choose from elseq contains hummable melodies. I mean am I missing something here or hearing things that don't exist? There's all melody, this could all be played (albeit losing important timbral details) on a piano with lots of time spent transcribing it. Lacking melody? What?

  2. I'm inclined to think it's maybe accidental? You can make some REALLY FUCKING AMAZING LOOKING SHIT on oscilloscopes in xy mode, and that's just kind of standard compared to these things so I assume if AE were really aiming for this they'd do better?





    my reviews are consistently superior to all written materials so i think i have some leverage when shit-talking pitchfork thanks very much

    We're waiting.



  4. This is the most visual music I've ever listened to


    Often when I'm listening to abstract music like this I try to map the sounds between real world objects that could theoretically create them (as I'm sure we all do). This results in factory landscapes if there is metallic percussion and reverb, undulating objects if there's rising and falling cutoff or stereo panning or something. Sometimes the mapping is hard and doesn't make a lot of sense so you've got to be creative


    But with elseq the mapping is effortless. Mental landscapes are created so easily. The clarity and beauty of imaginary visuals that I've only ever had from other music by dropping acid or smoking weed, is nearly present with elseq without any drugs at all. It's just amazing



    Arriving in a month thick with surprise album releases from A-listers like Beyonce, Drake, James Blake, and Radiohead, Autechre’s Elseq might not surpass its peers in terms of buzz or anticipation. But it has definitely got them beat in sheer volume. The five-part series—which was posted to the UK-based electronic duo’s webstore last week—adds up to more than four hours of music, out-clocking it’s peers by a significant margin


    "out-clocking it's peers"...?

    Beyonce, Drake, James Blake, and Radiohead are Autechre's "peers"...?



  6. So they use Max/Gen psn? From what I've gathered online Gen is a way to compile plugins that then work outside of Max. So where would they be using these self contained plugins? Other sequencers or something? Or just for the purposes of cleanliness, organization, isolation etc. Probably a very dumb question but I'm only just starting to look into Max.

  7. Apparently it's all sequenced/generated and synthesized in Max/Gen.


    They said in a recent interview that the data that generates patterns also generates the sounds, or something to that effect. I understood it to mean that events can trigger stuff on both a macro and a micro level.


    curvcaten seems like a great example of this. The whole thing is kind of recursive with respect to both rhythm and timbres. A pattern reappears in the synth pad of a little motif later on, over and over in every way. It's like symmetric. Not sure if anyone else sees what I mean but yeah

  8. lel


    Also in an interview they said they use "conditionals" a lot


    So this could maybe be:

    -Conditionals triggering events: really abstract mappings of past events to future event triggers (if this and this happened and that hasn't happened, do this, else if this and that happened do this, else do that)

    -Conditionals creating timbres (doubtful but an idea I've had): mappings between events and timbre parameters


    Max/MSP should allow things like this most definitely especially if they've built up a big infrastructure of patches relating to each other and maybe one really generalized patch which lets them input an arbitrary number of synth patches and modulation patches, and then sequencing event trigger map patches to create the atmosphere and rhythmic uniqueness of a specific track. Probably with a really flexible and slick interface like I mentioned before to control all of this since if it's done in a live environment there can be no little fucking tweaking of manual textual number parameters but it has to be slider bars and shit. Idfk


    who knows.

  9. Just a random brainstorming shitpost thread for what seems likely given interview mentions and stuff.


    They can apparently "create an album in realtime". This implies some really slick interface where they can modify parameters and maybe modify the way in which parameters modify other parameters because there is way too much stuff going on for everything to be manually handled by them at once obviously


    But how much is manually sequenced ahead of time by hand, how much is sequenced in realtime through hitting physical pads, how much is triggered by other events? Is anything triggered by really abstract events?


    Some speculations of mine are that there is an underlying range of allowed parameters that are allowed at particular times and after certain events, maybe even certain epochs within a track that can be summoned at will in which the acceptable parameter ranges and even trigger mappings are dramatically changed without user interaction as opposed to subtly changed like during live tweaks (maybe increase in intensity of some filter).


    Or maybe I'm talking complete bs (probably). Anyone else have random speculations?

  10. I think you guys are way too caught up on the idea that there's even going to be an album!


    Wouldn't surprise me if this is all we get for a while.


    Yeah need time to digest ae_live and elseq still

  11. I like physical releases and having something to actually touch and hold then stick on my bookcase. I vastly prefer it over digital-only


    That being said if this is their choice to only do digital then I don't really care and I'm perfectly fine with that. The music is all that matters and I never touch my CDs after ripping them lol. Almost prefer a digital release since I know these files are exactly what AE intended instead of wondering whether my rip fucked up.


    For me, if this is twelb then I'm very satisfied. This is fucking amazing. Even if AE_LIVE was all there was I'd be beyond ecstatic. I just don't think it is because it's weird that there's no warp promotion or anything and you can't buy it off the bleep website so they're probably missing out on tons of buyers who casually like AE and aren't checking WATMM or other sites, or subscribed to the autechre bleepstore or whatever

  12. I think it's really clear and sounds amazing. You can put it as loud as you want and it doesn't hurt your ears (or maybe that indicates it's unclear?). It's kind of weird. Idk but I love how it sounds either way I don't see any justification for complaints

  13. Also at the people saying "Anyone who takes drugs to listen to music is a loser who can't appreciate it the right way" ummm you don't know what you're talking about

    It's perfectly possible to enjoy both. ;You can have your brain melted by AE completely sober or if you want on an occasion you can drop some acid and melt into your fucking bed and BECOME the music. ;Enter the mental landscape that the music creates in a way deeper than is even slightly possible when sober. ;Hear details you never knew existed after 100 fucking listens. You don't get it unless you've done it but just don't talk shit

    That being said I prefer sober listening but psychedelic drug listening is a whole new level


    edit: wtf my post just got interlaced with tags

  14. lol all ae album artwork has been awful starting with untilted


    BS quaristive oversteps exai and ae_live are great. l-event I sort of dislike the color scheme though but it's grown on me

  15. How the hell do they make these tracks have so much space and room to breathe while simultaneously having like 50 layers of stuff going on at once?

  16. c16 deep tread is so fucking delicious sounding OMFG.

    The second half of elyc6 0nset should've been like...two or three hours instead of 13 minutes


    This thread is a bit zany in parts. People thinking this will bring Autechre back into the mainstream? That it's accessible and approachable? Lol, what am I reading. I think you (us?) guys have a skewed perception of reality... there's no way this is anything other than the super imposing to anyone other than the fans. Which is fine by me!


    Yeah I think once you become really accustomed to Autechre's output it can be easy to hear a track as relatively mainstream when it couldn't be farther from mainstream. I know from time to time I hear an Ae track that sounds really normal and easily digestible to me, and I show it to my friends thinking it might get them interested in Ae but the response is the usual "this is just random noise".


    Pretty much the only track on elseq that I think the average person would find at least vaguely interesting is TBM2.


    If Ae ever released an album that approached mainstream appeal, I'm not sure if I'd be happy that people are into Ae or worried that they shaved off their edge.



    Yeah I actually showed my girlfriend TBM2 before I even listened to it (to hear what she thought since I heard teh wattumz talking down on it calling it "lazy" and stuff for some reason so I assumed it was more traditional) and she said it sounded calming and like it didn't fluster her mind and stress her out like other ae/rdj does, which I can see now that I've listened to it. She liked that there was something to latch on to and was repetitive instead of constantly changing. TBM2 is pretty chill.

  18. curvcaten throughout the entire middle feels like a 3d missingno shape is being materialized and the little worker robots on the left and right are welding it all together. Really stupid comparison but honestly this is all just SO visual for me like I'm high or tripping but I'm actually not, my eyes are just closed. This is drugs.



    Aaaaaaand those synthtopia comments are pathetic.

  19. hey JEV they are absolutely ripping into you on 4chan lol

    just happened to notice. (didn't instigate this)



    link? /aeg/ seems to be dead and I can't find another.

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