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Posts posted by zlemflolia


    From those writeups jev, I feel like one has to listen to ae in 'micro' to enjoy it. I mean it's all about the details, if one loses focus for even a few seconds it can get confusing to get back into it. Also timing is really important, so like if one skips around a lot in a track, you would miss the buildup of tension and the structure. and yeah i find elements i don't like too and it can ruin a track


    Absolutely. Glad you feel it the same. I was starting to get worried about my mental health. lol



    Also timing is really important, so like if one skips around a lot in a track, you would miss the buildup of tension and the structure. and yeah i find elements i don't like too and it can ruin a track


    Which is exactly why the previews on the bleep store aren't really telling me if the music is worth buying. I need to sit through it repeatedly and carefully before deciding.



    Why are you even in this thread then


    You don't know if it's even worth buying? Wtf






    Debbie Downer here,


    I was over at sputnik and someone commented on the price. To clarify, $33 dollars for a ton of music seems reasonable. But does anyone know why it costs more and more to buy WAVs and FLAC when you purchase more music? I was looking around bleep and spotted an EP that costs 14% more from mp3 to wav, an album that costs 33% more, and finally this, which is 67% more. Seems kinda fucked up.


    It's ok, there's no valid reason to buy anything other than the mp3, so just think of the markup as an idiot-tax and everything's right with the world.




    The FLAC tax. Yeah, despite all the hype among audiophiles there is virtually no discernible difference between 24 bit WAVs and mp3s. I mean, it's real. But it's only slightly realer than the parables of Jesus.



    Just copped the MP3s, downloading now.



    Archiving. Even if I could never tell the difference, I always save the very best quality I can find; doing otherwise just seems silly to me. Why explicitely pay for an inferior version?


    For me the increased price is completely inconsequential in that regard, but then again I'm not familiar with the employment status of most people here.




    1) costs less

    2) sounds the same


    seems impractical and shitty to pay 66% more for the other version. the only cogent argument that's been made is wanting to put more money in æ's pockets, in which case it's understandable. Other than that it's complete bullshit that it costs that much more.



    well from their point of view it costs more in terms of bandwidth and storage, but from the listeners point of view it isn't worth any more in any real sense.



    It does not cost more in terms of storage, people keep repeating this but it's nonsense. A 1TB hard drive costs probably $60 when bought in bulk, server probably is RAID 10 so multiply that by 4. $240 for 1TB of storage with redundancy, let's pretend the FLACs take 4GB of space that's like $1 worth of storage space, one time.


    Only real cost is bandwidth




    Debbie Downer here,


    I was over at sputnik and someone commented on the price. To clarify, $33 dollars for a ton of music seems reasonable. But does anyone know why it costs more and more to buy WAVs and FLAC when you purchase more music? I was looking around bleep and spotted an EP that costs 14% more from mp3 to wav, an album that costs 33% more, and finally this, which is 67% more. Seems kinda fucked up.


    It's ok, there's no valid reason to buy anything other than the mp3, so just think of the markup as an idiot-tax and everything's right with the world.




    The FLAC tax. Yeah, despite all the hype among audiophiles there is virtually no discernible difference between 24 bit WAVs and mp3s. I mean, it's real. But it's only slightly realer than the parables of Jesus.



    Just copped the MP3s, downloading now.



    Archiving. Even if I could never tell the difference, I always save the very best quality I can find; doing otherwise just seems silly to me. Why explicitely pay for an inferior version?


    For me the increased price is completely inconsequential in that regard, but then again I'm not familiar with the employment status of most people here.




  4. pendulu hv moda


    What? So many moments where I want to say "would you listen to that, fuck yes" but there are just too many and they keep coming. One comes then immediately after it is another so you're in a constant state of forgetting the breathtaking intricacy you just witnessed half a second ago


    What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.






    I'm scared to listen to all of this quite frankly it's like a dense knot of hair and I have a once in a lifetime chance to witness it completely knotted up and each listen will comb it down a bit more. But I have the urge to comb further to experience the tugs on its teeth for the first time but I'm scared they may not come anymore. Then again they always come again after a little tolerance break and a fresh perspective and fresh focus on an alternative layer.














  5. I cannot imagine a mental state of being in which my musical desires are more satisfied


    This is hallucinatory. This is synesthetic. These are the most texturally intricate sounds I have ever heard, while simultaneously somehow managing to not be noise, and to be fulfilling beyond belief on the ears


    thank u sam n bobby

    • Like 1
  6. Let the teckers get more cash maybe theyll spend it on gear and make more lush choons


    (or feed their families but hopefully not)







    i just got 1 cover pic for each ep


    each track has unique artwork, if you check it in itunes for example.

    each Record also has a unique artwork (unique and different to any of the track by track artworks).



    You can extract the picture file from the mp3 using mp3tag.


    Never see it mentioned here but mp3tag is a must have



  8. This isn't even mentioned on Bleep




    If this were THE official AE release it would just have an entry on bleep with downloads available but no physical items available. I think this is just like Quaristice versions kind of leading up to an official physical release. Even if it's not I'm still BAEYOND satisfied, but I just don't think it is.


    New official LP release from one of Warp's top acts and it's not even mentioned on Bleep? Nah. It's a set of EPs on the side which will be followed up with a main release, that's what I think at least.

  9. my ocd is killing me

    tag these as given by bleep or make a super-album?

    gomgomgogogogomgogogogomgomgomgom so lush i love the whirglurglurgls in artov chain

  10. Not really sure why my post got deleted. Guess pointing out legitimate facts that don't match a narrative get blocked. Anyway it's not relevant so not sure why you guys feel the need to take an opportunity to be funny at the expense of someone else, it's a bit of a low blow and has nothing to do with the almighty AE_LIVE.

  11. WOW. Microdosing LSD was amazing my first time yesterday. My day was noticeably very good


    1/8 tab resulted in:

    -Uplifting mood

    -Happiness for being alive

    -Feeling like I am very connected to my body and the world and less dissociated within my own mind (computer use can do this to me)

    -Lots of energy like I had tons of caffeine, definitely a good stimulant

    -Minor visuals in the form of brightness and color enhancement, everything with a rough texture had a very subtle look of being shimmery and gold like it was painted with pretty reflective paint


    Will admit though had some very bad muscle soreness for a while which went away when I exercised. Will report back on how it goes when I do again in a few days

  12. Based on you guys' discussion I am going to be very cautious. And not that I know anything but I think this quote is probably pretty accurate and if you follow it you'd be more safe:



    If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen

    -Alan Watts

    Oh and do you guys when on LSD get the feeling that you've felt these things before? I got these feelings like I've experienced this before but I just couldn't put my finger on it. And I know I have too. Sometimes years ago even back when I was a young child I'd get a feeling for just a moment but I can't think of a way to explain it to myself using the English language so I forget about it, but then now on LSD it was nonstop remembering all of these moments in my life that weren't describable because it was THIS feeling. It was weird and familiar.

  13. Holy shit. So are doses that high considered to be "thumbprint" level as I've seen people call it?


    I can't even begin to imagine.


    Do you think LSD at high doses converges onto a DMT breakthrough type of experience or are they wholly different?

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