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Posts posted by zlemflolia



    911 was an inside job though. what's worse than people not knowing or denying it is that a few more years and nobody will even care...



    appreciate you being open about it, seriously. for some reason people here think I'm the only truther on the board.



    yeah i'm talking about you Dr. Lopez



    its interesting to me though how many people share our feelings who aren't comfortable talking about it publicly, especially on the board. I get private messages here and on facebook all the time from people who feel similar to us (who for one reason or another don't talk about it here).




    much easier to use Building 7s suspicious happenings to get people to open their thinking around the scenario....



    and for some




    archetypical investigation ;)





    What the fuck at Back to the Future vid lol. I'm no conspiracy theorist but some of that shit is just photoshopped right? Insane coincidences. Maybe not. But seems it


    Checking out music with the high hopes n expectations of it being revolutionary and it changing your perception of music forever is probably never gonna swing too well in your favour..



    it worked for me the first time that is why i am now on WATMM, the ae boc and rdj fanboy forum


    hasnt worked any other times tho..,.



    It's not even about civilization collapse it's about a flood or natural disaster making you stranded in your basement for a few days. It should be stocked up with clean water. 3 days without water and you're dead

    thank you based richdar



    tbh if my house got flooded, stocking up on water would be pretty low on the priority list



    It's extremely high on your list because that water will be mixed with human sewage rising up through sewage drains, so any of your stored water that comes in contact with flood water becomes tainted. You need a good sealed source of water that won't be mixed with the flood water to drink

  4. He may have literally meant go buy emergency supplies in case civilization suddenly collapses.


    Thoughtful :)


    He did and tbh there is no reason not to


    Potentially a couple hundred dollar investment could save you. It's not even about civilization collapse it's about a flood or natural disaster making you stranded in your basement for a few days. It should be stocked up with clean water. 3 days without water and you're dead


    thank you based richdar


    Got into this guy once for a bit before I went to see him live. What he played live was AWESOME but sounded nothing like anything on any of his albums. Would his "commission pieces" I see mentioned be more similar to live?


    Hmm, depends when you saw him. Those commissioned pieces were all for individual events, so unless you were at the Magnetic Rose showing in Manchester, Red Bull event in Tokyo, etc., it won't be so similar to what you might have heard live. If you went to see him open for NIN, you may have gotten a very unique experience judging from the videos of his set; he hasn't really released anything like that before, and I can only really compare it to TCF. If you saw him just on his own, it was probably reworks of R Plus Seven material, which will likely never be released. When I saw him last year at Big Ears, it was all reworked R+7 stuff; pretty interesting but the bass sounded terrible. I feel like 0PN live is more about hearing unreleased material PLUS watching Nate Boyce's amazing visuals.


    Long story short, listen to the commissioned works; "Commissions II" may be similar to what you heard live if you saw him fairly recently, given that it's his most recent material.


    OR (!!!) you may have heard his newest tunes, i.e. WARPLP2. What did it sound like?



    I saw him in March 2015 at some random little show at a school near me (Arizona State University). Most people there were small talking about how they only went for school credit for a class before the show it was kind of annoying


    Anyway yeah he played some abstract videos kind of like 3d models of vases and shapes. I don't remember the music distinctly except that it was loud and abrasive and metallic. Very spl9 and gantz graf like to be honest. It was great to listen to but there wasn't much to latch on to in terms of melody or typical music stuff.


    After he was done he said "this is the weirdest show I've ever played" or similar and sort of chuckled. I shouldve videod. This concert was actually free so I'll defo be buying this next LP as repayment so to speak. Fuck why didnt I record

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