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Posts posted by zlemflolia

  1. I also think the melodic transition about 2 minutes before the end is a bit weak, but as with other tracks I think in time it may manifest itself as far better than I originally thought. I'm already noticing little things in the track after my fifth listen or so that really start to make it absolutely awesome


    I don't think this is just aleatoric melodic noodling as some imply, there's more structure than we think. Or at the very least this just happened to be a very good iteration of their patch that they chose well

  2. Alexander Scriabin is the greatest music composer of all time (in my current opinion)


    Here's one of his more well known pieces. One of my favs




    Here's a long piece, IDM as fuck, mainly around the middle but whole thing needs to be listened to for full effect. I'm sure you're all quite good at that anyway. Current favorite piece of music ever.



    This man deserves a serious sit down listen. Here are some other random good ones as well for anyone who's interested. He invented the "mystic chord" and dissonant and atonal musical system.



  3. I want brostep done well


    Don't take offense just yet. What I mean by that is all the good qualities of brostep (the unexpectedness of the first bar before it's repeated to shit and becomes boring)


    The grating textures


    Basically Gantz Graf mixed with Bine and Vproc style percussion, and experimentalized then made more insane.


    Then underneath that I want the depth and thickness and lushness and detail of P.:Ntil

  4. All this arguing is making me Ccec. Hope we get back to shore soon so I can barf on the Pir. Maybe even Rale not one, Notwo, but three chicks once I get on land. Maybe even have them massage my stomach as my bowels are all in a Bine from this massive amount of Outpt Autechre has been having.


    Then I'll have to wipe til it's Left Blank, but not too much so I don't clog the Drane.

  5. Untitled 97 is also a huge tipoff. Totally has that Tuss style


    Simple amount of parts but each part is unique and comes together well idk


    (near the end half specifically)

  6. I'm not talking about the style in general I'm talking about the virtuoso


    It's so ingeniously ordered and the only person I've ever heard of who has created anything like that has been RDJ


    Show me some specific tracks then which exhibit such skill. Plus it just seems very RDJ'ish style. Reminiscent of The Tuss in its spontaneity.

  7. Haven't really listened to this because I just assumed it was something people were grasping at straws at and just hoping it was Aphex, and that's where it got its merit and praise from, but now that I've listened I can say that I definitely think this is as the very least a Tom/RDJ collab of some sort


    Or Steinvord's just very good at making it sound like that


    Either way it's ace.

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