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Posts posted by KovalainenFanBoy

  1. Borges_2.jpg

    Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges. For years his writing has seemed right up my alley, but I always got turned off by the endless barrage of details and names.

    weird, Borges is one of the most straight to the point writers there are. Maybe it's just one particular story that sticks in your mind or something


    I'm reading 'Patria', the de facto book of the year here in spain, sold a gorillion copies. A story about two families and basque separatist terrorism. As expected, it's pretty shit




    Same goes for the whole "i'm lib or left leaning but the tories are more trustworthy with the economy". Utter nonsense based in zero actual logic and mindlessly repeated because it has been said by others so it must make sense.


    If you are not extremely wealthy and you vote tory then you are most probably quite stupid or just a cunt . If you are extremely wealthy and you vote tory then you are most probably just a cunt too.

    stick to releasing ripoff tuss tracks m8 and stay away from the politics


    also is this your 100th namechange or what


    but he’s right??



    watmm is the most lefty forum I have ever seen, lol. it's really quite embarrassing to read these threads.


    if i wrote on here 'anyone who voted against brexit is a dumb cunt' - then imagine the hateful responses i would receive on here :cat:


    at least you're a massive moron regardless of your political leaning


    Started on Cuphead recently. It's a bit difficult.


    at the risk of sounding pretentious: but i honestly felt the difficulty was kinda overhyped. to live up to it there shoulda been an achievement for S-ranking all bosses imo.


    10/10 game regardless.


    (meanwhile S++ on lvl 3 ikaruga is srsly breaking me, still stuck on A...)


    you can still do that even if there's no achievement for it


    guess every game before steam is piss easy since they have no achievements

  4. There was this 7 year old girl abducted from a K-Mart here a few days ago who was then molested and its been on the news. A person at my work had their wife in the office just then bringing in their new baby. One of the staff members here went and had a cuddle with the baby and walked around the office for a bit. Someone said to the wife 'hey, did someone just walk off with your baby', to which she replied 'yeah but i'm not in Kmart so its all good, hahaha'. 


    I already didn't like this person before but now they've bred its even worse.


    thats kinda funny tbh


    managers at work utterly retarded, I've no work to do, and a high chance of not geting any work to do for the next 5 days. I think the expectation is I should find some work to do out of my own non existente volition. Anyone need a Junior dev? I've heard its easy to get a one year work visa in Canada :cattears:

    Sounds like a good time for an audio/synthesis programming side project.


    now that you mention it it really is




    stares at empty file

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