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Posts posted by KovalainenFanBoy

  1. Lol my laptop and phone died 2 hours into the flight. Such poor preparation. At one point i had my headphones on without listening to anything with my head resting on the seat in front of me and the nice lady next to me still asked me if i was ok. I really don't know how else to tell people that i don't want to engage

    "having headphones on without listening to anything" most IDM 2019

  2. Ever noticed how electronic dance music was fairly shit until aphex? ....he gets a pretty free ride in my book on the him sounding like people thing as most people owe him quite a bit in terms of sound and philosophy.


    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk


    i'd say music overall is shit besides our lord and savior aphex, and also maybe the brainwaltzera tracks where he rips off aphex instead of BoC

  3. no one saying it's random - pointless was the comment. Also , in my area , most break ins don't end in fatalities so there is a disconnect between the act and the consequence. Comparing it to a completely random act like you've described seems somewhat irrelevant - but agreed that it is moronic

    sorry, I inferred the randomness part from your comment on the kids' nihilism, which I assumed you meant stems from the randomness of the death but I might have been wrong. Anyway no need to pile on the dead, that was in bad taste

  4. I've never tried breaking into anyone's house but I've definitely been up to stuff that is equally stab worthy ... seems so random but so final . Colleagues kids are gonna be some nihilist motherfuckers

    having some idiot run you over on the sidewalk or having a streetlamp fall on you is random and tragic. Getting stabbed while trying to break into someone's house while a girl's in agony begging for an ambulance is being a moron

  5. Can you imagine being an artist

    and there's a thread somewhere on a forum with 139 pages discussing your music

    going into all the possible details, as far as to discuss the reverb tails and choice of samples


    and then there's people buying your music too, regularly

    you might go to Reddit and see someone post yet another Aphex-inspired track, you check it out and smile

    You also get to play live on numerous occasions, to people that mostly care about your music, in different countries

    You close your browser and go to a room full of analogue gear, just jamming and having fun. "that new Korg thing sounds funny, let's see if I can detune it, hmm. costs 100k$? no probs"

    You get carried away with gear, and then your russian wife's calling you to come to a patio, dinner is served. Beautiful Irish/English scenery with hills and grass and stuff around

    you feel joy and happiness. 



    after that you go get mad at the fact that airplane vapor trails are actually the gov poisoning the population

  6. Another pointless story:

    I had this classmate in uni. He looks almost exactly like an oompa-loompa from Burton's Willy Wonka: short guy, around 1,60m tall if not less, looks Peruvian to the point people would ask him if he's south american (which he isn't), almost perfectly spherical pot belly, somewhere around 25 and 35 years old. This guy is... I wanted to say socially anxious, but he has no problem socializing - he just seems so nervous he makes you nervous. His class presentations would take forever, tripping over his words. He'd also get hung up on the silly details - we'd be planning how to tackle a project and he'd start anxiously insisting we use this particular identation style or whatever, some meaningless detail, over and over.


    So anyway, my classmates would ask him about "the twins" every now and then. He'd reply "oh I'm going round there later, it's all good" and that's it, so I figured "the twins" was somewhere he works at or whatever, a pub, I dunno, but the other day they actually told me this dude's dating a couple twin sisters at the same time, in some weird semi incestuous arrangement. This guy's kinda weird and child-minded so I asked whether there's even a sexual component to this relationship at all, but the guy who told me didn't know either. Apparently the 3 of them go out together and all. I've a ton of questions now

  7. I misheard a Swans lyric as something way more interesting than it actually is.  Googled the line to see if someone else had used it.  It's such a simple yet strong lyric that I thought for sure someone had used it already... or misheard the Swans line the same way I did.  But no results!  So I'm going to use it in one of my own songs.


    what if I told you


    does this thread factor in the fact?

    Only thing that matters is what you remember, not anyone else:)


    Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

    I member that thread where some watmmer recalled his life shattering experience trying to deal with solipsism. This thread's the polar opposite... Either way you're fucked (you as in we / the reader)


    Dragon Quest XI orchestral soundtrack mod is go


    Amazing how dedicated some folks are with this sort of thing, and how quickly they've pulled it together. The default soundtrack really does start to grate after a while so I'm eager to see the difference.


    Having set it up (8GB download, woof) I can confirm that playing DQXI with anything other than the orchestral soundtrack in this mod is doing a wrong one. I can't recommend it highly enough.


    i had to research what this was all about since this is the first i've heard of it. basically seals the deal on whether or not i'll buy on pc/ps4. curious though where the orchestral audio was sourced from?



    The credits say "Preta - Adapting the Symphonic Suites for use within the game and creating loop points." so I guess they took the soundtrack and adapted it for the game

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